I like things bright.

I just go with my gut.

I can't stand the club scene.

Someday I'd love to do Shakespeare.

All through school, people told me I looked like Marcia Brady.

I can't stand the club scene. It's all about impressing people.

If I had made it in cheerleading, I would have never been an actress.

I looked like an alien, and in front of the most beautiful people on TV.

I find vacuuming very therapeutic. I like the lines it makes on the carpet.

We have a new puppy and that's enough! Two babies and three dogs is enough.

It's always just a great thing to see your kids connecting and you see the different stages.

I have no projects on the horizon. I don't feel frustrated. It's a great life lesson for me.

My family's always been really funny. I feel like comedy's hard. I feel like it's so important.

I like circle time and school drop-off. And I like that I have kids still willing to hold my hand.

The perfect Sunday morning is the family at home, staying in pajamas for half the day and eating a late breakfast.

We want to encourage the young ones to learn and get some confidence in sports. It's fun and keeps you active and moving.

It was so inspiring for me to watch tennis growing up. I thought I was really good playing, until my brother told me I wasn't!

Cheese, in any form, is my guilty pleasure. I would rather have a cheese platter for dinner than any meal. There's nothing better!

I'm a really big homebody. If I had my way, a typical Saturday night would be staying home, ordering in, watching a movie or catching up on some shows.

I'm an impulse buyer. There are so many great things online! Having two kids, I feel like that's an easy, fun way to shop without letting it take up your entire day.

My classroom is set up to accommodate the different types of assignments students do. Sitting at a single desk the entire class time just doesnt work for this type of class.

It's not like I had big dreams to go to California and become an actor. I loved doing my shows at school and community theater, and I probably would have settled in New York because it was closer. I was going to go to NYU.

When Ben and I first got married and we first had kids, I felt I needed to prove we could still do it and I could still work separately from Ben and I could still work with him. I just let go of all of that now. I said to him, 'For me, a little bit goes a long way.'

When Ben Stiller and I first got married and we first had kids, I felt I needed to prove we could still do it and I could still work separately from Ben and I could still work with him. I just let go of all of that now. I said to him, 'For me, a little bit goes a long way.'

'Hey Dude' was shot in Arizona, and that took me to the West Coast. We did 65 episodes. It was not a show that a ton of people saw, so it was like doing acting classes and getting paid for it. At that point I had the acting bug. So I went to L.A. to give it a try and never left.

But 'Hey Dude' was shot in Arizona, and that took me to the West Coast. We did 65 episodes. It was not a show that a ton of people saw, so it was like doing acting classes and getting paid for it. At that point I had the acting bug. So I went to L.A. to give it a try and never left.

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