Necessity is the mother of bipartisanship.

Oil they would buy from anyone. From Satan.

I think that every man is afraid of his wife.

You live vicariously through your characters.

Who needs evidence when you've got the Internet?

I haven't left the Republican Party. It left me.

It's odd to think of yourself as an orphan at 55.

We live - on a spinning planet in a world of spin.

It's always tricky, meeting an author you've admired.

E-mails are the new herpes: You never get rid of them.

I certainly wish I were as good-looking as Aaron Eckhart.

I'm a Republican, but I find Nancy Pelosi very attractive.

The thought of Sarah Palin as president gives me acid reflux.

The cliche in American politics is that one week is an eternity.

Newt Gingrich has certainly seen his own empire rise - and fall.

I just write what comes along. I don't have a detailed master plan.

The vice-president's tongue is several time zones ahead of his brain.

I'm not a particularly cerebral writer. I unabashedly go for the belly.

My instincts are conservative, but my inclinations are also libertarian.

Writing's all I know. Frankly, I've never been able to do anything else.

I love Oscar Wilde, still the wittiest writer of anyone, dead or living.

I was an only child who had every advantage, every blessing, absolutely.

That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.

My mother spent a month in a Swiss hospital after a terrible ski accident.

I'll let Democrats defend spending our grandchildren broke on entitlements.

Christopher Hitchens is the greatest living essayist in the English language.

Catch-22's admirers cross boundaries - ideological, generational, geographical.

I am not a political thinker. I'm not even much of a thinker. I'm a hack novelist.

I had some adventures at the White House, but hardly enough to fill a full memoir.

I want Tom Clancy, the Maryland novelist, to write the story of the rest of my life.

I hope when I'm on my deathbed, people forgive me, because there is a lot to forgive.

When the going gets tough in Washington, presidents appoint 'blue ribbon' commissions.

I have known John McCain personally since 1982. I wrote a well-received speech for him.

The needs of the nation are not necessarily convergent with the needs of the deadline satirist.

Lobbyists didn't descend from a spaceship. They evolved organically from the way we do business.

I cast my first vote on my father's lap in 1960, for Richard Nixon, in the voting booth. I was 8.

I think I got a lot of my 'funny' DNA from my mother, who had a glorious sense of the ridiculous.

I live on a train. I know - what a sad thing to admit. I am the New-Age Willy Loman. But there it is.

Fiction, for me, is sort of a protracted way of saying all the things I wished I said the night before.

I've lived in Washington since 1981 and have been a faithful reader of 'The Washington Post' ever since.

The Republican Party once could lay claim to the mantle of being the fiscally responsible, or 'Daddy,' Party.

With real estate, it's location, location, location. In public speaking, it's acoustics, acoustics, acoustics.

Cindy McCain has emerged as a definite hottie. I think that sometimes happens to women in their early fifties.

The best advice on writing I've ever received was from William Zinsser: 'Be grateful for every word you can cut.'

I have been on the receiving end of many blessings in my life, few as great as having known George and Barbara Bush.

It's axiomatic that all husbands are impossible. But I also think it's axiomatic that women are slightly impossible.

How many times had those awful words - "I know what I'm doing" - been uttered throughout history as prelude to disaster?

Nothing raises the national temperature more than a VACANCY sign hanging from the colonnaded front of the Supreme Court.

In public relations, you live with the reality that not every disaster can be made to look like a misunderstood triumph.

Mum's serial misbehavior over the years had driven me, despairing, to write her scolding - occasionally scalding letters.

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