Red's my favorite color.

I have exercise-induced asthma.

I used to cry on the way to auditions.

It is important to find worth in yourself.

On a personal level, change is a hard thing for me.

I've been likened to a chameleon through my entire career.

After leaving 'Grey's,' I left 'Grey's' - like, let it go.

I'm typically pretty terrified to sing in front of people.

Yes, I do strive to be someone young women can look up to.

It literally brings me to tears when Sara Ramirez sings. She's unbelievable.

It is just living life intentionally - that is what I want instead of just existing.

I'm always worried that lipstick is on my teeth or caked in the corners of my mouth.

We have a big heart for Africa and also for just raising awareness about the water crisis.

My experience on 'Grey's Anatomy' is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

I'm on the show, 'Supergirl,' and one of my coworkers is David Harewood. He's an amazing man.

Starting clean is a theme for me - starting fresh and understanding what's important about life.

At the risk of sounding too cliche, I found a really fantastic church. That is what keeps me grounded.

I'm always down to do a sitcom. I did 'That '80s Show' back in the day and that was a really great experience.

When it comes to skin care, I like to keep things simple. I'm not the type of person who runs out to have facials.

I have a really big heart for young women - having been one - when there aren't a lot of good examples for young women.

I don't like to do much with my hair - which is good, because I don't know how! I just always make sure I have a great haircut.

I sing at home all the time with my kids and my husband, and I will write music together. It's kind of a very intimate thing for me.

I work, and I'm a full-time mom, and it's hard for me to sit down and relax because it's like, 'Crap, there's something I'm forgetting.'

I have dark blonde hair - and it needs help. I went darker, when I was 18, in one of those 'I'm 18, and I can do what I want' moments. It's been that way ever since.

I can change my appearance by doing simple things. People ask, 'What's your ethnicity? Are you part Asian? I can't figure you out.' That gives me range with the roles I play.

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