My biggest competition is me.

Being a mom has changed me forever.

I don't curse when I talk. Unless I'm mad.

Real music to me is real; it's what you feel.

I want to be a combination of P. Diddy and Oprah.

This digital world is what you make of it in the end.

My mom and I don't have a lot of photos of my early years.

You live and you learn. My son has given me so much clarity.

Being beautiful is all in the attitude, it's about confidence.

There's nothing better than when a man is in tune with who he is.

I have to be tough in my work environment and tough in the world.

I want to do what I feel in my soul. My soul won't lead me wrong.

Whatever you do, have fun while doing it. That's important for me.

I don't want to sound too cocky. But I consider myself superwoman.

More than anything, I realize I've been blessed to make great music.

Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.

Anything is possible for women, including being a presidential nominee.

Juggling being a mom and an entertainer is a challenge I face every day.

Moms can be fresh, fly and young, and that's the kind of mom I want to be.

I think it takes a lot of confidence to be comfortable in being vulnerable.

There was a whole newfound confidence that came over me after having my son.

Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.

I never had vocal lessons, dance classes, or any of the things my peers had.

If a person uses the word 'sorry' loosely then of course it loses its value.

I like to stay happy, and I like to live life light and make the best of life.

Being a mom, I can't imagine my child not having a meal. That's hard to digest.

You don't know your child until they get here; you don't know their personality.

As long as I know that I give my best every time, I can sleep well knowing that.

Dancing - however you do it, even if it's in your living room - is a great workout.

I'm not totally innocent, and I do date. But as a young woman, I also demand respect.

In our world, as artists, the only time I'm allowed to express myself is through song.

My dad's my nanny, so he spends a lot of time with me in L.A. when my mom's in Atlanta.

Everyone loves to dance. I've realize that's a part of what I do more and more every day.

Everyone loves to dance. I've realized that's a part of what I do more and more every day.

I love shopping! I'm impatient though. I'll go to the mall and in 30 minutes be ready to go.

Confidence is everything. Confidence is what makes that simple white tee and jeans look good.

I learned everything along the way. I only performed five times before I was in the public eye.

If you don't embrace who you are and accept who you are, you won't be able to live a happy life.

I never understood when people would say, 'I would die for my child,' but you become so selfless.

I'm a tomboy at heart. I always like to say that I'm an ordinary girl doing extraordinary things.

I was so driven that sometimes you don't recognise all the good things that are happening to you.

It's sad how people want to see us females go against each other. Never been for that. Never will.

I want to be one of those moms and women that when I look back, I know that I always stayed focused.

Don't limit yourself because you are a woman because you can do exactly the same that a guy could do.

I love when people have their own creative vision, when a person stands out and tries different things.

I believe in allowing your child to be who they want to be - as long as they want to be something great.

Sometimes you get bored of the same moves, but you know that there are those moves that those fans love.

I tell myself that water is my medicine and that to stay well, I have to drink a gallon of it every day.

I don't believe in being vengeful or trying to send a message to someone. You waste your energy that way.

You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful.

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