I'm tiny. I'm small.

I'm a very sinister person.

I don't want to be mysterious.

I'm not a tacky person, I think.

Sometimes I feel like John Wayne.

Start with scout locations first.

You don't grow up naive in Africa.

Freedom is not having a big budget.

I didn't foresee my career. Things happen.

I hate the victimization of women, always.

The history of colonisation cannot disappear.

I am the eldest child; it's lonely at the top.

'White Material' is about courage and craziness.

I think a film noir demands a beginning and an end.

The only thing I find interesting is self-interest.

Africa is no more this poor continent. It's on the march.

I don't remember being afraid of anything in making films.

I think you cannot make films without choosing everything.

I hate the idea of growing accustomed to someone and being faithful.

When I was doing 'Beau Travail,' I listened a lot to Benjamin Britten.

You can spend your whole life in France without ever thinking about the Legion.

My films are always looked at strangely, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I have no relationship to the French bourgeoisie. I don't like connecting with them.

In a way, I feel obliged to respect Jean Rouch because I am told he is very important.

Sometimes bleak is good. Sometimes bleak is necessary. Some part of life is always bleak.

Inside the family, you can go from hate to passivity to extreme love within the same hour.

I've experienced love and ambition and desire in my life, but never in the same way as in a family.

I always thought Vincent Lindon had a sexy body, a body you can trust, a solid body you can lean on.

I reproach so many things about my family, but on the other hand, I kept asking them to be my family.

I long to make films. I'm dying to be inside the next film. I always hope there will be another film.

What I like is the idea of a group, even if it's just two people - the idea of solitude within a group.

In Kurosawa's films, the tragedy is that this strong man was crushed by corruption or mistrust at the end.

Filmmaking is to me very similar to being in a café somewhere in Paris and looking at the people walking by.

Making pizza is a great job. All that kneading the dough - everything to do with cooking is wonderful, sensual.

I think cinema is linked to literature by a lot of social ways. Our brains are full of literature - my brain is.

When making a film, if I feel nothing in my body, I can't work. I have to touch. I have to feel. I never stop touching.

I am always asked, 'You grew up in Africa?' Every time I introduce a film, or I'm interviewed, 'You grew up in Africa?'

The camera is not your eye, and it's not the eye of the audience. I don't think it's my eye, either. It belongs to the film.

We don't all look alike - some people think they're tough, some people think they're fragile - but in the end, we share a lot.

I think working as an assistant was a part of knowing people who like cinema, and to learn from a movie, you have to watch it.

I always scout locations first. The apartments, the railway tracks, the café, the canal - I figure out the geography of the film.

I can't imagine a society with absolutely no solidarity. For me, it's a nightmare. And I don't want to live in a place like that.

My mother's father was from Brazil - a painter, and not a famous one - and was always broke. But he was a free spirit, a great grandfather.

I am not at all interested in theories about cinema. I am only interested in images and people and sound. I am really a very simple person.

Marguerite Duras was a very good friend of mine and an intellectual hero. She was also a sort of mother figure. Of course she was an influence.

Growing up outside your own country makes you feel that you don't belong when you return, so you feel free to make friends with whomever you like.

I really started watching films when I was 14. As I became a teenager, there was nothing that really interested me apart from music, books and films.

I don't think I make genre movies. There is a certain type of violence in my films but I think I have my own genre because I made it happen like that.

A father who sees his daughter leave in the arms of another man does not feel the same as a mother. It is heartrending for her, too. But it is not the same.

I've never seen a world where only men were responsible for the violence, and the women were innocent. They go together. Men and women are a violent mixture.

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