I am a loyal man.

I don't like pasta.

I try to forget the past.

I am a serious man, a loyal man.

The pressure is on the big teams.

I am not a man who wants revenge.

It's not possible to win all matches.

I think everyone is the perfect owner.

We must respect the referee every time.

There is too much unhappiness in football, no?

The battle is long, but that's football, sport.

It was fantastic to win the title with Leicester.

You cannot make mistakes in the Champions League.

I think I am a nice man, but also, I am demanding.

Am I too loyal to my players? I could be, could be.

The day my players relax, I get crazy. They know that.

You use up a lot of mental energy in the Champions League.

What matters is getting the best out of the squad you have.

My idea is that players need to recover first, train later.

Sometimes the manager says one thing and does another thing!

Every team believes they are better after the transfer window.

Mourinho is a fantastic manager, intelligent, clever. He is OK.

What is important is to find the best solution for your players.

If you aren't a loser, you fight; you continue to fight, believe.

We were very nervous at the start, we didn't play our game at all.

My wife is the expert, but I like art particularly. I like Van Gogh.

I do not have much time for relaxation, but when I can, I like to read.

It's one thing trying it in training and another entirely on the pitch.

All my players must be ready because, sooner or later, I will need them.

Words are fine, but the most important thing is what happens on the pitch.

If you are a gladiator, a fighter in this sport, in life you can be the same.

I always question myself, but I always say, 'Come on, we can do something good.'

I hear what they're saying. I ask my English tutor, 'What is this word 'tinkerer?''

They call me The Tinkerman. Wherever I go people say 'Ah ha, there is The Tinkerman.'

In my opinion, if you only show quality but no fighting spirit, you are half a player.

Football is open; it is not only keeping possession of the ball and making more passes.

In London, you can eat your way around the world - Lebanese one night, Indian the next.

When you work hard, when you believe in something, in the end, you will achieve something.

It is very important to be humble but to maintain the conviction that we can do something good.

Football is about dreams, about feeling a special sensation, giving a surprise, and inspiring joy.

The lesson to learn is to pay attention for 90 minutes because in front of you are great champions.

I have to thank Leicester City Football Club. The adventure was amazing and will live with me forever.

I'll admit I was curious about coaching a national team, but my experience with Greece was sufficient.

I won the most important league in Europe, I think - not just Europe but the world - the Premier League.

Rebuilding has always been one of my specialities from the time I started with young players at Cagliari.

All the time, I said to my players, 'I don't care about the name on the badge or the name of the opponents.'

When you play in the Champions League, you are switched on - very, very smart and focused on every situation.

The love the people of Leicester showed towards me was incredible. Even more than winning the Premier League.

I never hitched my wagon to anyone, so what I achieved over the years was done with only my results on the field.

In Italy the Coach is a paratrooper who jumps out of the plane but doesn't know if the parachute will open or not.

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