I was always a history buff.

I've always liked Mexican food.

Shipwrecks are incredible mysteries.

There's no literary merit in my books.

If it ain't fun, it ain't worth doing.

I'd give my left arm for the Merrimack.

I had horrible experiences in Hollywood.

There's a little bit of Pitt in everybody.

It's a quirk of mine; I love neat garages.

The culinary scene in Phoenix is incredible.

I'm considered the 'old daddy of adventure.'

I'm always interested in something that's missing.

I'm not a dedicated writer in the sense of Stephen King.

I'm not a great writer of literature. I'm an entertainer.

I collect vintage cars, so you always find them in my books.

If you are a writer, Saturday and Sunday don't mean anything.

The fascination for me is searching the unknown for a mystery.

My forte is the plotting. You sit down, and you work out a plot.

I want it to be easy to read. I'm not writing exotic literature.

I like snappy dialogue and short descriptions and lots of action.

My friends joke that I raised the Titanic and never left the Rockies.

A lot of people don't understand why I'm not out diving for treasure.

When I started writing, I just hoped for a nice little paperback series.

Maybe some day they'll find me behind the computer, just bones and cobwebs.

I love doing the research for the novels. For me, the writing is hard work.

They botched 'Raise the Titanic' so badly that I waited 20 years to do it again.

It's a job. I entertain my readers. I get up in the morning, and I start typing.

There is no greater unknown than the sea and no greater mystery than a lost ship.

My son's name is Dirk - I named Dirk Pitt after him when he was about three years old.

Nobody gives a damn about the Merrimac. You know how it is. Winners write the history books.

I don't like interior decorating. It looks gorgeous, but it doesn't have that lived-in look.

I get up in the morning, get to the office, and write until about six o'clock in the evening.

I'm not working on the Great American Novel. All I am doing, I hope, is entertaining readers.

Some men play golf. I've got this crazy thing about maintaining our nation's maritime heritage.

I almost write to formula, because there's a historical beginning, then the plots get convoluted.

Matthew's all right. Originally, I wanted Errol Flynn, but McConaughey should be good as Dirk Pitt.

I honestly thought I probably did sell 100 million books. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me.

Either you've got the bug, or you haven't. There are many things I'd rather be doing than writing a book.

I didn't have the great American novel burning inside me, but I felt I could try my hand at popular fiction.

After the Dirk Pitt books became best-sellers, I could afford to buy the more exotic examples of classic autos.

I was the kid who stared out the window. I fantasized myself on the deck of pirate ships - Cussler at the bridge.

To those of you who seek lost objects of history, I wish you the best of luck. They're out there, and they're whispering.

I must say one thing about southern down-home brewed coffee with chicory. If you have worms, you'll never have them again.

Sometimes my plot lines are so convoluted, I get calls from friends at 3 am saying; you SOB, you'll never pull this one off.

Some people are drawn to a van Gogh or a Rembrandt. Some are attracted to exotic guns. Coins. Stamps. I am attracted to cars.

They screwed up 'Raise the Titanic!' so badly, I stay away from Hollywood. I won't cheat my readers with another piece of crap.

The truth is ships and aircraft have been vanishing with tragic regularity in every part of the world since they were invented.

I'd heard about a shipwreck that was never found - John Paul Jones' Bonhomme Richard. So I thought, 'Well, I'll go look for it.'

When we find a ship, we turn it over to the state or federal government. It's purely historical. I've never made a dime on any of it.

NUMA is basically trying to preserve our maritime heritage by finding lost shipwrecks of historical significance before they are gone.

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