Differences can be a strength.

I'm a terrible long-term planner.

We need a common enemy to unite us.

Every life is capable of greatness.

I believe in having a private life.

I've never really been a workaholic.

I know a lot of very stable gay couples.

Out of struggle very often comes victory.

My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.

If you love Russia, you have to love Godunov.

I don't see myself in any way in elective office.

Punish France, ignore Germany, and forgive Russia.

Football is like war. It's about taking territory.

Differences can be strength rather than a handicap.

I do have a favorite Zeppelin song, Larry, Black Dog.

Separation of powers is a problem for foreign policy.

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

There are many other arrows in our diplomatic quiver.

Power is nothing unless you can turn it into influence.

I have enormous respect for people who do run for office.

NATO is built on security, but it's also built on values.

History's long arc is different than the today's headlines.

As I was telling my husb — As I was telling President Bush.

Today's headlines and history's judgement are not the same.

If the strong exploit the weak, democracy will not be stable.

Today's headlines and history's judgment are rarely the same.

The Iranian people have a proud past. They merit a great future.

Believe it or not, I loved acid rock in college - and I still do.

Defeating human trafficking is a great moral calling of our time...

We will continue to work together in our common fight against terror.

I'm actually - believe it or not, for an academic - an aural learner.

When somebody underestimated me, it made me want to prove them wrong.

I've been in enough positions to respect people with different views.

There was no silver bullet that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks.

Does anybody think these people were just sitting around drinking tea?

We can't afford to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban and the terrorists.

We needed to go back on the offense and offer clear leadership on Iraq.

We are at war, and our security as a nation depends on winning that war.

Every good leader is part manager and every good manager is part leader.

Your passion may be hard to spot, so keep an open mind and keep searching.

I believe our Presidents work hard and it's the loneliest job in the world.

[I'm] very fortunate and blessed person who still has a lot of living to do.

I firmly believe you never should spend your time being the former anything.

Self esteem comes from achievements. Not from lax standards and false praise.

You can never ask others to do something you would not do. That is integrity.

Message and policy are very much a part, you know, two parts of the same coin.

Diplomacy, if properly practiced, is not just talking for the sake of talking.

If a North Korean ballistic missile can reach Alaska, it can reach Vladivostok.

There is not going to be any pass for Palestinian leadership in fighting terror.

The quicker we get about the business of reducing our reliance on oil the better.

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