The Championship is such a tough division.

You just have to keep working hard in training.

Every week I look at Liverpool and hope they win.

England is the pinnacle of any Englishman's career.

It is every boy's dream to make his debut for Liverpool.

I've always talked and like to organise as much as possible.

The Premier League is amazing. It's everything you dream of as a kid.

You come away better at playing against different players and styles.

When a team like Manchester United comes to Molineux it is always big.

When you get beat it is the worst feeling in football, it is horrific.

I don't think people realise the quality of player in the lower leagues.

You can't throw the towel in if you come up against a brilliant striker.

You have to be patient and bide your time and hopefully your chance will come.

I like watching Spanish and Italian games and looking at how they play compared to us.

When you're at a club like Liverpool, it's always about what you can do with the ball.

I am not the type of player who thinks he has to prove anything to people on Saturday.

If you're happy being at a big club but playing reserve team football, I never really understand that.

To score a goal for Liverpool is always special but the fact it was for the first team makes it even better.

I love watching England and what they are doing. But I can promise you I've not thought about anything that high.

It was a difficult decision to leave Liverpool but I knew it was something I had to do to get playing regularly and improve.

I started watching Liverpool on the Kop; my earliest memories were 2000 onwards when Liverpool won the Treble under Gerard Houllier.

When you're in the Championship, you try and move the opponent around a bit and pull players into positions they don't want to be in.

Steven Gerrard has always been my idol. He's a leader. You get excited when he gets on the ball. You know something's going to happen.

I've said it plenty of times before, I do believe Molineux is the best place in the Premier League to play football. The atmosphere's incredible.

I think you have to recognise where you are as a player. I knew I had to go out to learn - to sit around at Liverpool wasn't going to do me any good.

My two boys, Henri and Freddie don't really know much about Liverpool! They've got Wolves kits and come to all the games. They sing the songs, it's great.

You have to have that willingness and that fight to get back in the game and get a point or a win. I don't think you can teach or learn that kind of thing.

You try and pick up something from everyone you work with and I grew up watching Jame Carragher and it was such an honour to train with Liverpool's first team.

I was lucky in that I played in a Liverpool team alongside the likes of Raheem Sterling, Jon Flanagan, Andre Wisdom and Suso and you knew that these players were special.

Jamie Carragher was someone who I looked at as to how to organise, how to defend and how composed he was, how good he was at reading the games and he was one I looked up to.

I was lucky enough to train with Carragher and Gerrard, and watch what they did on a daily basis - they never missed a session. I'd look how Carragher played, how he spoke and he was big to follow.

I always believe you give your all for whoever you're playing for, whatever shirt you put on. You play for that team and you want to win for that team - whether I'm wearing a Liverpool shirt or an England shirt.

When I left Liverpool, I knew had to leave. It was a big step but it was something I had to do. A lot of people asked if it was hard, it wasn't hard. It was something I needed to do to improve and get better as a footballer.

For me, dropping down to League One and then getting into the Championship with Huddersfield was the right pathway. It was one where I knew I had to learn, I had to get better if I wanted to get any higher and I think that mentality's helped me.

They're great memories, not just as a footballer but as a person growing up - it sounds daft, but to come away from Liverpool to play the first-team football I needed. It's a fantastic place, a huge football club and they helped me a lot. I'm grateful for coming through there.

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