I am a Madonna fan.

I'm a big fan of Stormzy.

I know that the U.K. loves a villain.

Pole dancing is way harder than it looks.

The art of drag is intrinsic to who I am.

Often with bigotry it's passive not active.

I know what it's like to be in unrequited love.

It's important to acknowledge bisexual, pansexual.

I am attracted to people irrespective of their gender.

I like being a boy, but I also really like being a girl.

I think it's best if I remain as dysfunctional as I can.

I had post-traumatic stress from 'Drag Race' a little bit.

We live in a fear-based world where HIV stigma can prevail.

As I get older, I'm more comfortable with the idea of dying.

My style of drag has always been a little bit more moderate.

You can literally tour all around Australia in two weekends.

A good night's sleep is a super important part of feeling good.

I loved being on 'Drag Race' but I say leave well enough alone.

The Spice Girls were the life preserver to my high school years.

Courtney isn't just a costume, it's a way I express my femininity.

A word of advice - don't invite your parents to the after-party at 4 A. M.

I live in a bubble, but there have been times when my bubble has been burst.

I think that 'Drag Race' would certainly let a straight guy compete in drag.

The most vocal fans online are girls, which is interesting. I didn't expect that.

It's detrimental not to support marriage equality, even just on a financial level.

Drag is more like a license to be what you want. But you don't need drag to do that.

So many reactions in our lives are based on what happened to us when we were younger.

I've learnt I don't have to be a man and I don't have to be a woman, I can just be me.

The ability to create anything I want without rules is the real thing I love about drag.

The U.K.'s got the most advanced relationship with masculinity, femininity and sexuality.

Obviously drag has different intentions and my drag has always been about gender illusion.

I think it's really important to acknowledge that gay men and straight men can be friends.

Russia isn't only oppressive toward gay people, it is hard on everyone, particularly women.

I'm definitely more attracted to men and masculinity - not just cis men but trans guys, too.

I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in a heaven or afterlife. I believe that once I die, that's it.

I would have hated for my 'Drag Race' moment to have come down to lip syncing a Whitney Houston song.

You can't really necessarily explain what being on a reality show is like until it's happening to you.

Different people are attracted to me depending on how I look. I have a very broad spectrum of attraction.

I acknowledge that I'm really fortunate to have found pockets of people all through my life who've accepted me.

There's so much visibility for trans people, for gay men and lesbians, but there's still not a lot for bisexual people.

I'm no Joan of Arc, but it's pretty revolutionary having a gender illusionist selling the illusion of beauty to females.

People care about what I have to say now, and they want to hear it, and that's one of the greatest gifts you can be given.

I'm just looking at other opportunities, television... not so much another existing reality show, but more about creating stuff.

After Pride, Christmas is a drag queen's next best holiday. It's pretty gay, full of tinsel and glitter and finery and campness.

On 'Love Island' you're trying to win the prize money and stay together; on 'The Bi Life,' the winner is the one that finds love.

While dressing up as Courtney is a performance, there is a part of me that is expressing my gender in feminine and masculine ways.

Brexit happened. Donald Trump is president. If Ann Widdecombe won CBB Year of the Woman, it would be the third sign of the Apocalypse.

I genuinely had always thought, this sounds dumb, I always thought that 'RuPaul's Drag Race' was shot in the basement of RuPaul's house.

The Spice Girls and Fran Drescher were such important parts of my childhood. There was something about them that allowed me to be myself.

I've seen attraction manifest itself in so many fascinating ways. Lots of straight-identifying men have been attracted to me as Courtney.

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