I try to keep a low profile.

I believe in luck. My luck's real streaky.

I think Ovechkin is everything the NHL needs.

Who needs MGM? Who needs any of these places?

Say something personal, not from a publicist.

I got to be good friends with Scott Hamilton.

I really like the way Fox handles their shows.

If Gretzky was velvet, Ovechkin is electricity.

Romantic comedies are particularly hard to make.

Any time I get to work a home game, it's awesome.

There's nobility in hard work, traditional values.

I'm a huge baseball fan and follow it very closely.

Skating is tough to pick up when you are a grown up.

You always love to fantasize you'll get your dream role.

I try to have a normal life since I have an abnormal job.

Hire the best people, and trust what you hired them to do.

Whether or not your person wins or loses, give him a chance.

Push your luck. If you see a pretty girl in a bar, say something.

If I'm not going to bet on myself, why would anyone else bet on me.

You have to identify your shot and be 'Push your luck' ready for it.

If you learn the craft, you can make a movie and get by with tricks.

The more I learned about Shoeless Joe, the more I felt he was maligned.

As far as actors go, you're not going to find many ballplayers better than me.

I like hanging around the set and learning how people do things, how the set runs.

I think Joe Jackson is a great American figure. In my opinion, he became a scapegoat.

The problem with most Hollywood movies is they don't give the director enough control.

John Sayles is good. He's like a good thoroughbred owner - he leaves the trainers alone.

Why should a filmmaker turn over the irreplaceable asset, the movie, to a distribution center?

I grew up Catholic, so the more non-denominational Christian experience was a new experience for me.

DeNiro did a good job playing a catcher in 'Bang the Drum Slowly,' but he's great in everything he does.

The actors in 'Eight Men Out' really know how to play, and the background athletes are all professionals.

You get a lot of speeding tickets, and you say, 'I'm so unlucky!' No, you're not. You're speeding. Slow down.

'It's a Wonderful Life' was a mainstream Hollywood movie about faith, redemption, religion, and it was rated G.

All these big corporations like Amazon, those places have great distribution arms, but they can't create content.

There's no doubt my having been a ballplayer made me feel a special sense of responsibility to Joe Jackson's life.

I would love to do another hockey movie. There are a lot of people in Hollywood looking for the right hockey script.

Fifty-million-dollar movies gobble up the medium movies. A lot of people aren't working in Hollywood because of this.

I'm so proud and honored to have been in 'Lonesome Dove' and 'Eight Men Out.' How come I'm not known for one of those?

Joe Jackson was a tragic figure. He was a serene country boy who signed a confession he couldn't read. He was illiterate.

I'm not one of these million-dollar actors. I have always been just a working actor. I probably work more than I would like to.

I don't know; it's hard for me to understand people that want to get out there and protest on the first day we elect a new guy.

I wanted to play this part: the goofy rock and roller who can't hang up his guitar when it's clear to everyone else that he should.

I don't play the bass. I'm not in a band. I tried to think of ways I could touch base with the troops and support what we're doing.

I know some black actresses who have to wait every 19 films for a role. I can be cast in practically every one as a young white male.

I didn't know anybody in show business, and I never thought it was the path I'd go down. I was hoping it was sports, like so many kids.

I thought it's very funny that I ended up as a voiceover guy because when I started out as an actor, I had a very strong Long Island accent.

I didn't want people to think I'm just in the movies, where you make money and wait around for 13 hours before you get to do 20 minutes of work.

I've seen people who stink, but the film editor shows them just where they didn't stink. But if you're empty and manipulative on stage, it's clear.

It's especially gratifying to have done a film like 'Eight Men Out' because it's hard not to have fun when there are so many bats and balls around.

With the Red Sox, you have more of a literary interest in it. You know they're going to lose; you're just interested in how the plot is going to unfold.

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