Through the years as the fire starts to mellow, burning lines in the ...

Through the years as the fire starts to mellow, burning lines in the book of our lives. Though the binding cracks and the pages start to yellow, I'll be in love with you.

I choose to express myself.

Why must I be lonely in love?

Are you under the power of gold?

Now is the only thing that exists.

Love is the promise that guides me.

I always try to give my songs as gifts.

The dogs, and home, privacy is my constant.

Life isn't all that sad. I'm a happy person.

I've always got about four albums in my head.

I had gone full-on folkie; I'd had it with bands.

I wish I was a little more gregarious and outgoing

I've succeeded beyond what I ever thought I could.

I fell in love with Nashville. I got lots of work.

I wish I was a little more gregarious and outgoing.

MTV didn't call. I guess I wasn't hip and groovy enough

MTV didn't call. I guess I wasn't hip and groovy enough.

You think you're winning, but it's hard to say sometimes.

I'm a child of the woods. I have that sort of sensibility.

Between the worlds of men and make believe I can be found.

I may quit the music business someday, but never the music.

I love the subtlety and tonal range of the acoustic guitar.

I kinda threw the spotlight away from me for a little while.

Getting the best response from people is how I base my success.

I believe in God, but not in any rational or theological scope.

When you are not near me, I make the sound of one hand clapping.

A simple smile, a tender touch, speaks the true language of love.

I was blessed with a gift. It's a gift and a curse. It never ends

Too many hearts have been broken, failing to trust what they feel.

I was blessed with a gift. It's a gift and a curse. It never ends.

I never going to satisfy everybody, so I decided to satisfy myself.

I wish I had more time to sit down and be a little bit more normal.

There's laws that we must live by, and they're not the laws of man.

I don't really pay enough attention to what other people are doing.

I love Don Williams records. And old Ralph Stanley and Bill Monroe.

The people who come to me are the people who are meant to come to me.

Death is there to keep us honest and constantly remind us we are free.

Balance the cost of the soul you lost with the dreams you lightly sold.

I'm affected by my environment. Los Angeles makes me defensive and wary.

Around the time the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, I was already in a band.

Strats are my favorite electric guitars, and I've got quite a collection.

Trust isn't something that's spoken and love's never wrong when it's real.

I love to laugh, it's my main thing. I love to abuse the English language.

Phoenix was a tougher record, a little more commercially accessible record.

My upbringing made me think that real legitimate music is written, not heard

I'm not 20 years old any more. I'm not gonna go out on quite the limb I did.

My upbringing made me think that real legitimate music is written, not heard.

Mystery's a thing not easily captured, and once deceased, not easily exhumed.

It was so much fun playing simple American bluegrass. I got to meet Doc Watson.

Waiting for wisdom to open the cage, we forged in the fires of the innocent age.

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