Wise people, my parents.

I've never really loved mean comedy.

I never felt comfortable hosting TV.

I'm clueless when it comes to flowers.

My name is Dan, and I'm a technoholic.

I've been a lover of fashion my whole life.

Quite simply, my friends inspire me to strive.

I'm good with furniture, very bad with plants.

Does Catherine O'Hara deserve an Emmy? Absolutely.

I've always considered myself a master in the art of real talk.

I love food, and I'm a foodie; I try to hit as many restaurants as I can.

I have the utmost respect for red carpet interviewers; it is such a hard job.

A little confidence can make the simplest of T-shirts look like a million bucks.

Very few ideas are better than Catherine O'Hara's ideas when it comes to acting.

Personally, what scares me most is the thoughtlessness the Internet can perpetuate.

I was raised before the advent of DVD players in cars and iPads at the dinner table.

A lot of queer relationships on television and in films are met with extreme tragedy.

Sometimes circumstance blinds us at first from seeing people for who they really are.

I've never really learned anything when I feel like it's being forced down my throat.

Masculinity involves feminine qualities, and femininity involves masculine qualities.

Our phones have created what I like to call SADD - Social Attention Deficit Disorder.

Gay relationships have historically not been treated the same as straight relationships.

I grew up with my dad sitting us down at the holidays and putting on 'The Honeymooners.'

Comedy is not easy to begin with, but comedy that also dances with drama - it's so hard.

No one does cool, catchy pop music like Robyn, and 'Hang With Me' is a testament to that.

There is something transformative about the act of finding your own way without a to-do list.

I've never really turned to my dad for anything, I think out of fear of the label of nepotism.

It is important that we realize that words have meanings far beyond the dictionary definition.

It's important to tell queer stories and to show queer relationships in a very normal setting.

Shopping for guys in Toronto is a really tough thing because there's not a huge market for it.

Ironically, fashion trends, be it denim or polka dots, have a tendency to perpetuate the contrary.

A lot of queer characters get painted with either a caricature brush, or they're used to teach, in a way.

At the end of the day, I'm from Canada, and so there will never be a time when I'm suddenly not Canadian.

I'll take a carb any day of the week, but if I'm being pressed, then I'm sort of into the standard bagel.

As a Canadian, we are sort of inherently built with an unshakable humility that at times can work against you.

'Real talk' refers to the act of speaking the honest truth about something or someone without fear of consequence.

My parents have - my dad has managed to succeed at his craft. So, you know, it's not like I was struggling in my life.

The secret life of women is to men what the universe is to NASA - unimaginably infinite and completely undiscoverable.

People always ask about my dad and his comedic influence. It's funny because my mom is really the comedian of our household.

I never pictured L.A. as a hub for amazing food, which I learned quite quickly is sheer naivete. The restaurants here are insane.

We've become accustomed to repurposing and living vicariously through other people's work instead of going out and making our own.

I'd rather create something that gives people a very strong reaction than create a show that someone looks at and says, 'Hmm. Fine.'

So often, I think shows get into these grooves where they know the characters hit, and they just write for it over and over and over again.

I went to private school and then chose to go to public school because I didn't like the private school experience; I didn't like that vibe.

I often liken my love life to the pathetic fallacy found in a Bronte novel: a long and winding road tented by storm clouds and rain. Kidding.

I've read about actors trying to prevent their kids from getting into it, and I think that's from what they themselves experienced in the industry.

Following a trend too closely is a risky thing. If not properly executed, you could easily end up looking uncomfortable, over-styled, and downright foolish.

I've grown up around some incredibly funny people, which has been a blessing and curse because now I've been completely spoiled in terms of what I find funny.

What I loved about 'The Beverly Hillbillies' was that it was about family love and growth and understanding. The riches-to-rags premise is just the wallpaper.

The fact that I like to buy inessential things to make myself feel better is neither a secret nor something I'm particularly proud of. And I know I'm not alone.

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