It's the old shell game.

I know that this story is true.

I'd much rather wear out than rust out.

Only votes talk, everything else walks.

Americans are once again looking outward

Ratings don't last. Good journalism does.

When the going gets weird, anchormen punt.

Journalism is less addictive than communism.

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.

I'm part of nobody's world except Brezhnev's.

This race is hotter than a Times Square Rolex.

Never eat spinach just before going on the air.

Turn the lights down, the party just got wilder.

Fear rules almost every newsroom in the country.

Writing is the rock on which everything is built.

If frogs had side pockets, they'd carry hand guns.

I'm proud to say I've never been anybody's lapdog.

Journalism is not a precise science, it's a crude art

I can say with confidence I know a fair bit about LSD.

And now the sequence of events in no particular order.

There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now.

Are the Democrats going to dance the mandate Macarena?

What I say or do here won't matter much, nor should it.

[My job is] a very high trapeze act, frequently with no net.

As long as I have my health, I want to be reporting somewhere.

What separated Ed Murrow from the rest of the pack was courage.

Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.

Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls.

These guys [the Catholic church] make Enron look like altar boys.

It's the American way: if you don't vote, you don't get to whine.

I don't pretend to be a digital savant or even a digital apprentice.

One of the most important roles of our journalists is to be watchdogs.

Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn't block traffic.

I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things.

The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you.

I've always tried to be fair, even-handed, not an advocate for any group.

If you're in Journalism and you're looking for friends, you should get a dog.

The reelection of Bill Clinton is as secure as a double-knot tied in wet rawhide.

If I didn't have a front-row seat on history, it was at least a seat on the aisle.

A tough lesson in life that one has to learn is that not everybody wishes you well.

The Michigan Republican primary apparently is tighter than Willie Nelson's headband.

Always marry a woman from Texas. No matter how tough things get, she's seen tougher.

Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly.

Be careful. Journalism is more addictive than crack cocaine. Your life can get out of balance.

A lot of tight Senate races out there. Let's hit those chips with another dash of salsa, Ed Bradley.

My cousin just died. He was only 19. He got stung by a bee - the natural enemy of a tightrope walker.

Despite what many Americans think, most Soviets do not yearn for capitalism or Western-style democracy.

If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.

Performing doesn't turn me on. It's an egomaniac business, filled with prima donnas - including this one.

The great lesson my mother and father gave me was almost invisible. It was a strong sense of being rooted.

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