You don't see many Jon Jones's.

My daughter passed away in 2003.

I've dealt with a lot in my life.

At the end of the day, I'm a man.

A lot of people want to discredit me.

I'm not nervous standing with anyone.

People in Toronto love to watch fights.

I think Mickey Gall's going to be really good.

Gustafsson is a stud, man. He's a good fighter.

You have to be a champion in all facets of life.

I was a fan of Jon Jones. I thought he was great.

Wrestling is a hard sport, but it's only a sport.

It's like I cannot separate myself from Jon Jones.

I think I'm as good if not better than everyone else.

You train, you fight, you show respect at the end of it.

I don't mind Ryan Bader thinking he deserves a title shot.

When you got a guy that has purpose, now your in a dog fight.

You have to be very vocal about being willing to fight anyone.

Everyone deals with adversity. It's how you bounce back from it.

Legacy does matter to me, and I want to leave a good one in MMA.

No matter how bad things get, eventually the sun is going to shine.

If there's an opportunity for me to compete at something, I'm there.

Who I have fought and how I have fought, it says something about me.

My little girl's in Heaven. She's my angel, and I can draw from that.

How can you train if you're constantly worried about getting injured?

I need to be competing. Coaching is good, but I like to be in the fire.

Every day I wake up and I realize how lucky I am to be living this life.

If you truly believe in yourself and your skills, most times, it's enough.

You've got to be all-in on this sport; you can't be one foot out the door.

The only thing that can ever make a Louisiana boy feel better is Popeye's.

When I came into the gym, I wasn't just some guy. I was a two-time Olympian.

Just being in the gym every day with someone with goals in common is special.

It's all matchups, and I knew that I matched up well against 'Rumble' Johnson.

If you say John Smith is the greatest wrestler in Oklahoma history, now that's big.

You don't get to the highest levels of the sport without having the basics in order.

I'm not a guy that really likes to pile onto somebody. Doesn't really matter who it is.

I'm not on a slander campaign to ruin Jon Jones publicly. That's not what I set out to do.

I grew up in Louisiana. We have red beans and rice, and there's a Popeye's on every corner.

I have definitely worked on that... being efficient and also being smarter with my pressure.

A lot of times, losing a fight is tough. In your darkest hours, I guess your true colors show.

My resume, my career, and my legacy in this sport means more to me then collecting some checks.

You can love me, you can hate me, but just don't be indifferent. Care about it enough to watch.

My confidence comes from me, not from Jon Jones. I can't draw my confidence from another person.

I want to be regarded as the best guy in the world, and I want to beat the best guy in the world.

No matter how much I respect someone or how much I like someone, it doesn't exceed my will to win.

There are ways to win fights, and sometimes you don't always choose the easiest way to win a fight.

I usually fight a lot. 2015, I fought three times. I fought three of the best guys in the entire world.

I'm not really worried about what Anthony Johnson does. I have to worry about what I do to prepare myself.

I'm letting competition drive me, and when competition drives me, I don't think anyone can compete with me.

You don't quit after you get beat. You pick yourself up, and you start rebuilding to accomplish your goals.

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