Revenge doesn't stop.

I'm a really bad liar.

Good scripts are hard to find.

I always wanted to make movies.

A secret is a secret in my mind.

Anybody can leap off a building.

I can't go to war with paparazzi.

I never had any boyhood ambitions.

I never really had a strong accent.

I had to have shoulder reconstruction.

I love that my friends are all freaks.

The bad reviews get to me, believe me.

I'm quite good at leaning against a bar.

I don't care what other people are doing.

I don't see the world in sexual divisions.

I'm not trying to be macho, I promise you.

I love vodka martinis. I know it's a cliché.

I don't care about how much other actors get.

I just wanted to play a cowboy for a long time.

Things need shaking up politically, culturally.

There's a conscious decision to everything I do.

I've always loved to dress up a bit and show off.

My family and friends treat me as they always have.

The days of the misogynistic Bond are sort of over.

You've got to live your life, you've got to enjoy it.

It’s not the job of an actor to judge your character.

I like fishing, I like painting; I like painting fish.

When you're making movies you've got to get obsessive.

I stopped worrying about being desired a long time ago.

The last thing on earth I wanted was to make a Bond movie.

There's no real side to be on because I think it was a mess.

I guess you could say I've been in my share of violent movies.

I think there's a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel.

You get used to the rejection and you don't take it personally.

I've got to be high class... Which is sad, because I like bars.

It's a Tim sandwich. The meat is fresh, but the bread is moldy.

I've always retained my privacy, but now I protect it even more.

There's always going to be someone with a bigger toy than yours.

Even the worst Bond movies, there's something to love about them.

I've always reverted to a sense of childhood, just in everyday life.

I don't want to be a celebrity because that sucks. It's just madness.

So, are we equals? Until he answer is yes, we must never stop asking.

There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.

You're creating new things in movies and people are going to steal them.

I like going to the gym every day because I'm in physiotherapy every day.

It's not my cause in life to be filthy rich. Being comfortable is enough.

Any voices or fantasies, he lives with. Those are his everyday life things.

Nothing is stopping me from doing anything. I haven't got a golden handcuff.

I have never played a role in which someone's dark side shouldn't be explored.

In many films, as many different characters, I've killed many different people.

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