At KIND, our purpose is to spark kindness.

Our world desperately needs real leadership.

Socially conscious brands engender more loyalty.

Like many start-up stories, mine has been rocky.

It takes strength to be kind; it's not a weakness.

The people who work at FDA are just trying to do their jobs.

I've been fighting BDS before people even knew that BDS existed.

Without a doubt, what drives sales is letting people try our products.

For me, work is both a hobby and a passion. And sometimes an obsession.

Empathy is one of our greatest tools of business that is most underused.

I'm very non-partisan. I don't consider myself loyal to any party in Israel.

Learning how to contract your power and personality is of incredible importance.

Wall Street sharks will go where they smell the blood, and you cannot change that.

Civilized discourse demands critical thinking, self-reflexiveness, sober-headed analysis.

It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from - there's no substitute for hard work.

I'm never going to give up - it's part of my lifeblood to help, protect, and defend Israel.

We're all human, and part of being human is showing respect and support for others' life choices.

When you're nice, you're not bullying people. But when you're kind, you stand up against the bully.

Tasting failure, even when you truly believe in a project, is a critical part of the growth process.

You have to be very careful. If you over-commercialize a social mission, it completely loses its soul.

When I was eight, I started what could be considered my first business, performing magic shows in Mexico City.

There's a fundamental tension that is hard to overcome, that what's wholesome is not convenient and vice versa.

Emotional intelligence is a very important skill set, not just to be happier but also to succeed professionally.

I was very proud to support Obama's presidential campaign, from the primaries all the way to his historic victory.

Even though people do not traditionally think of being empathetic as a business skill, it can create enormous value.

Kindness boggles my mind. It's the only force in nature that increases simultaneously for the giver and the receiver.

Politics is, by its nature, not my favorite thing because it's more about dividing people, not bringing them together.

When someone gives 60 days' notice, they're able to play an active role in identifying and training their replacement.

I grew up in Mexico until I was 16, and then we moved to San Antonio because my dad's business was headquartered there.

Transparency is one of our core principles, We treat the food with integrity. We don't commodify it beyond recognition.

Trying to forget or hide your mistakes is a huge error. Rather, hold them near and dear to your heart. Wear them proudly.

We don't come up with product names like 'Cookie Sugar a la Mode.' We made a commitment that our brand is straightforward.

I cannot think of any venture I have initiated where an earlier failure wasn't an important precursor to an eventual success.

Longer distances yield local media coverage that tends to be more one-dimensional and absolute, less nuanced, and more sporadic.

Failure holds the seeds for greatness - so long as you water those seeds with introspection, they can be the root of your success.

I can't tell you exactly why my work ethic is the way that it is, but I know that I will always work harder than anyone else I know.

I'm very inquisitive. I love hanging around people who can teach me. I ask a lot of questions. And I'm very introspective and self-critical.

Everyone that is not an ultra-conservative recognizes the irony of FOX's 'Fair and Balanced' moniker, which only accentuates its actual bias.

The Kind Foundation was created to scale our social impact and be able to deepen our focus on fostering empathy and developing kinder communities.

My dad told remarkable stories about how kindness helped him through, and he lived his life afterward always trying to make people's lives better.

Why stick to just prose or just music or just newspaper or just video? Why not create new models for information that combine elements of them all?

We try to think with 'and' rather than 'or.' It doesn't have to be healthy or tasty. It can be healthy and tasty. It can be wholesome and convenient.

How powerful it is to surprise a total stranger with a really nice act: buy them a cup of coffee, pay their toll. It makes their day; it makes your day.

America already suffers from a uniformed and increasingly polarized citizenry. FOX seems to eagerly exploit this dynamic, and in so doing, accentuate it.

The ideal time period to get an investment is when you've already proved your concept and know what you're doing, and it's about adding water to the seeds.

For me, empathy is an existential question - it's about the survival of the human race. That is, it's imperative for us to overcome the challenges we face.

Only Americans vote for their president, but foreigners care almost as much - and sometimes more - about who will lead the most powerful nation in the world.

While domestically the president may be able to somewhat reshape his/her image through defining moments and actions, this is far less feasible internationally.

Peace is an idea born from hope and the desire to see your children raise a family, walk in a market, and engage in simple pleasures of everyday life without fear.

Chaos does not unify. Chaos only serves the most extreme elements of society that seek to destabilize any semblance of order to fulfill their selfish lust for power.

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