As an actor, I love to play a good crying scene.

I think there's a real sex appeal to vampires. They're very sexy.

I'm always studying actors and movies. You can never not do your homework.

I love to cook; I love to bake. It's, like, my favorite thing besides acting.

When 'Legacies' picked up, we never really saw the history between both of the twins.

'Legacies' is its own show, and it takes on a younger twist to the supernatural world.

I have a very normal social group that I really feed off of. They ground me. They're super supportive.

What was important for 'Legacies' to actually be a successful show is that we had to introduce new mythology.

As someone who watched 'The Vampire Diaries' when I was 10 or 11, getting to be Miss Mystic Falls was very surreal for me.

I really enjoy doing stunts, especially. I had never done any stunt work, ever, in my life before, and in our first episode of 'Legacies,' I was doing a bunch.

I hadn't seen anything of 'The Originals' until I was down to the end for the role and I watched the whole fourth season, and then, when I got it, I did my proper homework.

I had only ever done films that never had this huge fan base. I acted just to act. And so, coming into 'The Originals' and 'Legacies' and that fandom for the first time, I didn't know how to handle it at first, but I have a better grip on it now.

I did a lot of screaming in 'The Originals,' and I hurt my voice so badly that I said, 'I can't scream if you want me to be able to work for, like, the next three days.' So, what I usually do is that I scream once in the season, and we'll just use that scream, all throughout, or extend it, or do whatever we need to do.

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