Hope for everything, expect nothing.

Hope for everything, expect nothing.

I wish I was old Hollywood.

Please don't kill me, I'm nice.

I don't shave when I'm not working.

Challenge is good for any relationship.

I've always been the annoying kid who sang.

I never let my politics supersede my manners.

Be nice people, cause nobody likes an asshole.

I'm incredibly anal about everything that I do.

Chris Colfer... he's like a... playful wood-nymph.

I have an unabashed adoration of cheesy pop music.

There's nothing more badass than being who you are.

I don't take breaks, man, I'm always doing something.

I know. I'm Darren. I don't know what I'm doing here.

People fall in love with a person, not a gender or an age.

The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that.

I like orange and blue together, but I would never wear them.

It’s been a secret too long, but I’m actually a straight male.

I'm ambitious in the sense that I raise the bar high for myself.

Never let what is popular actually define your taste or interests.

No one's tried to stab me. That's cool. I enjoy not being stabbed.

I'm always just waiting for someone to cut me off; I'm a chatty guy.

What can you expect from me in the next five years? Well... I'll get older

When you're an artist, you have to hope for everything and expect nothing.

I'd like to be writing songs for other people - I just like writing songs.

My biggest fear? My biggest fear would be turning into an inanimate object.

I want people to know that there is nothing more badass than being yourself.

As a musician, I hear the harmonic value of everything - I just enjoy music.

Its always important to recognize your situation and not take it for granted.

It's always important to recognize your situation and not take it for granted.

I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If I like it, I don't feel guilty about it

I mean, part of me would love to be a fat tenured professor of theater someday.

The cool thing about music is no one can take music away from you, writing wise.

I always shoot for the moon in my work, so that I'm happy when I land on the roof.

My name's Darren. I'm a musician, part time idiot. That's a full time job actually.

Theater is a living creature. It takes a while to break in, like a new pair of shoes.

I play mostly guitar, and I played drums in my brother's band for a while growing up.

I was consumed by my love for Chris Colfer, and I just couldn't hold it in any longer.

Guys I’m kind of nutty, but you have to understand that that’s all just me being myself.

All my aunts in the Phillipines, they look at me and say 'Darreeeeeen! You so thin! Eat!'

Broadway is not just the song and the shows; it's the individual performers and the community.

Yeah, there has been alot of changes in my life since I started glee...I bought a new sweater.

I've always enjoyed fashion and dressing up for things, whether it's high fashion or play fashion.

I'm on cloud nine.. i wouldn't even say cloud nine... more like cloud ten... cloud nine was old news.

Fashion is about owning whatever you're wearing, regardless of if it's a high fashion statement or not.

I think people love to attach themselves to the idea of an overnight success. That may be true about me.

For me, I think everybody with half a heart tries to do their best to do their part of good during the holiday season.

Glee is more then just a show now. It's become a wonderful culture celebrating the underdog and glorifying individuality.

That which makes you different is what makes you strong. Whether you're gay, straight, purple, orange, dinosaur; I don't care.

I’ve always loved fairytales, and I’ve loved the concept of, um, some of the best parts of a lot of stories are the beginning.

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