Racism in America is real.

I'm a strong man of faith.

I grew up in a broken home.

The threat from radical Islam is real.

I'm standing up for the American people.

I'm pro-life. I believe in life at conception.

Al Sharpton doesn't even pay for his own suits.

Islam and the Constitution are in clear conflict.

My election results speak to my level of service.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is evil in this world.

I tell people all the time: All I need is gas money.

I open my mind and allow the Holy Spirit to come in.

We need to start standing up for freedom and liberty.

This era of political correctness out there needs to go.

Nobody wants bad cops off the street more than good cops.

I don't know any elected Democrats that I get along with.

I have nothing negative to say about Congressman Lamborn.

Someone with a nice tan needs to say this: All lives matter.

I'm running against the Democrats. I'm running against evil.

I, for one, want to see Mr. Cruz as a Supreme Court appointee.

I grew up in a military family. My father spent 26 years in the Air Force.

I'm accountable to my God, and I haven't done anything I'm embarrassed of.

Hillary Clinton is a threat to the rule of law and to our safety and security.

I will absolutely be supporting the Republican platform and voting for Mr. Trump.

Like anything, I remember who I work for. You work for the people who sent you to office.

While I might not agree with everything Donald Trump says, I proudly stand with Donald Trump.

We have to stop the cycle of violence affecting so many of our communities. We have to love each other.

There is no constitutional basis for the federal government to be mandated to assist with student debt.

I am an unapologetic Christian, constitutional conservative, pro-life, Second Amendment-loving American!

I would say a successful campaign reflects the desire of the people who are there to support a candidate.

I'm dedicated to healing the wounds between police and minority communities so both sides feel safe again.

I say exactly what I am going to do and how I am going to vote, and I have a 13-year record to back it up.

Where are Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton? They don't speak for Black America, and they don't speak for me.

What I'm in favor of is making sure we have security for our country and we can control access to our country.

Here's a fact: I absolutely understand the humiliation of being stopped for no reason other than driving while black.

All of my life, I've been told no. That I was too poor, too short, too black. I enjoy it when people underestimate me.

When we put country first, it's amazing that we're going to be able to bring people together instead of dividing America.

Donald Trump went through the process, he earned the vote, and I am not in support of overturning the will of the voters.

You have to have enough conviction to stand for something. It doesn't matter if it's the opposing party or your own party.

We can bring this country together. But we must realize that our heroes in blue are part of the solution and not the problem.

I trust Colorado families and teachers way more than I trust D.C. central planners who think they know better than parents do.

I went to, while I was in the military, Western New England College for my MBA and New England School of Law for my law degree.

My experience as a county commissioner has taught me that the best ideas often come from our neighbors, church groups, and community.

I have a track record of going out and talking to my constituents and then standing up and representing them. That's what people want.

I don't look at polls. It's about results. And every single time that people have had an opportunity to vote for me, we've been on top.

My priority is to repeal the Iran Nuclear Deal and vote to do that. I think it's extremely dangerous... you don't negotiate with terrorists.

I'm somebody who has a military background, grew up in Colorado Springs, and has been a Colorado resident basically since I was two and a half.

If you are going to stand for the rule of law, if you are going to raise your hand and support the constitution, then you need to follow the law.

I told the truth when I said I have never been arrested. I have never been handcuffed or fingerprinted. I have never appeared in court as a defendant.

I'm tired of politicians saying one thing to get elected and then going to Washington, D.C., or Denver or wherever and completely forgetting about you.

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