Yeah, it's pretty hard not to be completely cynical these days.

Rich people will travel great distances to look at poor people.

I'm afraid that everything will get homogenized and be the same.

Suburban houses and tin sheds are often the objects of ridicule.

I'd like to be known for more than being the guy in the big suit.

Obviously, you go through a lot of emotional turmoil in a divorce.

Another Elvis will not come along. He got wasted, but it's alright.

I think sometimes - not always - I write songs that are accessible.

People will remember you better if you always wear the same outfit.

It's not always been a happy marriage. I guess I wanted a quick fix.

Domination and monopoly is the name of the game in the web marketplace.

I’m not all about money, but, like most musicians, I am about survival.

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around.

People hear about stuff from their friends or a magazine or a newspaper.

Frank Lloyd Wright... his things were beautiful but not very functional.

You can know or not know how a car runs and still enjoy riding in a car.

When we started, a lot of bands sounded really different from one another.

I'm very much into making lists and breaking things apart into categories.

Analysis is like a lobotomy. Who wants to have all their edges shaved off?

That's the one for my tombstone... Here lies David Byrne. Why the big suit?

I wanted to be a secret agent and an astronaut, preferably at the same time.

I found music to be the therapy of choice. I guess it is for a lot of people.

The better a singer's voice, the harder it is to believe what they're saying.

There are plenty of people who are, I think, completely racist who love hip-hop.

I find rebellion packaged by a major corporation a little hard to take seriously.

I don't believe that crime, danger and poverty make for good art. That's bullshit.

Sometimes I write stuff that strangely predicts what's going to happen in my life.

My personal feeling is that human beings have this incredible capacity for denial.

When you fall in love, you feel like a missing piece of a puzzle that's been found.

Work aside, we come to New York for the possibility of interaction and inspiration.

I don't listen to the radio very much, but that could be because I don't have a car.

The wage for most musicians is a modest amount, and that includes me some of the time.

I have trouble imagining what I could do that's beyond the practicality of what I can do.

Life tends to be an accumulation of a lot of mundane decisions, which often gets ignored.

My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.

Before recording technology existed, you could not separate music from its social context.

Singing is a trick to get people to listen to music for longer than they would ordinarily.

Why not invest in the future of music, instead of building fortresses to preserve its past?

Do creative, social, and civic attitudes change depending on where we live? Yes, I think so.

Artists are notoriously snooty and suspicious of anything coming from the business community.

The two biggest self-deceptions of all are that life has a 'meaning'and each of us is unique.

I like a good story and I also like staring at the sea-- do I have to choose between the two?

Most of our lives aren't that exciting, but the drama is still going on in the small details.

The more you know, the more you know you don't know and the more you know that you don't know.

Technology has allowed people to make records really cheap. You can make a record on a laptop.

With music, you often don't have to translate it. It just affects you, and you don't know why.

All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label.

I can't deny that label-support gave me a leg up - though not every successful artist needs it.

Software constraints are only confining if you use them for what they're intended to be used for.

You create a community with music, not just at concerts but by talking about it with your friends.

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