I drool like nobody.

I wanted to try directing.

I've always loved cheesy stuff.

'Debug' is '2001' from Hal's perspective.

The reality is almost everything I do I cringe about later.

Love scenes in general are the most technical things to shoot.

As an actor, your best help is just to shut up and get out of the way.

No, I am not allergic to lemon, though fresh pineapple can pose problems.

Bad guys are always fun. It's one of the reasons why I love McKay so much.

I've always spoken very quickly, and when I get nervous, I talk even faster.

Art, location, money - I say as long as you've got one of them, you're fine.

I suck as a driver. I believe all cars should be piloted and driven by machines.

If I ever write an autobiography, 'Hilariously Unhappy' could very well be the title.

There are so many sequels where everything between the special effects is just boring.

I think what Stargate has going for it is a sense of humor about their science fiction.

The thing I love about YouTube is it's almost like having an instant audience for improv.

Sequels are scary. And making a sequel to something as good as 'Scanners' is even scarier.

I used to be a pretentious little jerk, running around saying 'I'm going to be an awktor.'

I adored my years playing Rodney McKay and I would jump at any chance to reprise the role!

I'm lucky that the characters that I get tend to be interesting and a little schizophrenic.

I guess again I find myself playing the somewhat grumpy scientist. Strange how that happens.

I don't want to know what happens because I enjoy picking up a script and going, 'I do what?!'

It's always a stunt acting opposite Robert Picardo, because you never know what he's going to do.

As a kid, it was always my dream to open a closet and end up fighting dragons or battling aliens.

I revel in movies where the monsters tower more over the tiny budgets than the characters they threaten.

There is going to be a 'Stargate: Atlantis' movie. Unfortunately I'll be making it by myself in my basement.

I wanted to do '2001' from Hal's perspective. What it finally ended up being was 'Final Destination' in space.

My father took me and my about-to-be-traumatized friends to Stanley Kubrick's '2001' for my 10th birthday party.

I want more sci-fi movies that aren't $200 million movies that I have to wait for and generally be disappointed with.

I'll go out at night and look up at the stars and think, 'How ridiculously inconsequential I am in the scheme of things.'

I always thought there were two kinds of males in the world: the ones who look good naked and the ones who look funny naked.

The actor's dream is to come in knowing that you're only supposed to do one episode and then come back because people liked it.

My mother says my first television experience was hiding behind the sofa watching John Pertwee's 'Doctor Who.' I loved that show.

Yes, I am Canadian, having sailed here from England on a Russian boat called the Alexander Pushkin when I was the ripe old age of 4.

My love of science fiction comes from the idea of being able to explore ideas and concepts to an either logical or illogical extreme.

When I became an actor, it was disappointing to show up on set and be handed a coffee. You know. I'd pick up cables and get told off.

There's very few comedy sci-fis that have worked for me other than the classics, like 'Red Dwarf' and, of course, 'Hitchhiker's Guide.'

'Pin' was a creepy little movie that I starred in back when I was cool and thin and had so much hair I didn't know what color to dye it.

As a parent, you're struggling to find stuff that you think is suitable for the kids, but also stuff that you'd like to watch with them.

You can make amazing sci-fi films if you want to with very, very little money and very advanced technology that can run on your desktop.

No, I gained weight while playing the role of Rodney Mckay on Stargate Atlantis... breakfast burritos and a near endless supply of donuts.

So I think the popularity of the Internet at the same time as the show made a big part of this sort of groundswell of support for 'Stargate.'

I sort of went 'Oh, great. I'm getting these great roles and I love doing them, but I'm going to be Anthony Perkins for the rest of my life.'

The only reason I write is that I feel I have to. Being the creator of a project puts me in a much better position to do the things I want to do.

In high school, you re either a bully, a jock or a nerd, and I somehow tried to jump between camps by using humor. It's amazing how you can blend in with that.

If I was Leo DiCaprio or someone similarly gifted and successful I wouldn't be writing. I'd be too busy acting in all the best scripts in town to try and write them!

All my life I have apparently been tying my shoelaces wrong, there is a much more mathematically beautiful way of doing it, that I was shown by Bill Nye - with Neil deGrasse Tyson looking on.

You had to do some club after school and it was either the sports or the intellectuals. And right smack in the middle was the acting thing for all the outcasts, which I fell into pretty easily.

People talk about drones like they're a bad thing, but they forget there are people behind them. It's a lot easier to blame the technology than to accept that people are a cancer on this planet.

The nature of filmmaking is that there are so many people involved in it, so many fingers in the pie, that part of the talent of a director is to try and get your personality through in the movie.

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