Steer clear of anything fried.

Too much coffee can lead to belly bloat!

Whole eggs are practically a perfect food.

I like quick and efficient circuit training.

If you take care of your body, it will take care of you.

If the mind is not healthy, you'll never get a sound body.

Appreciating what you have accomplished can be empowering.

Women can overdo it in their commitment to muscle development.

A jump rope is cheap, it's portable, and you can do it anywhere.

Blueberries, strawberries, and broccoli are all high in vitamins.

Lunch is the meal where you put carbs in, such as lentils and beans.

Feeling your clothes fitting better is going to make you feel better.

Jumping rope is better than running because it engages the whole body.

With enough lunges and squats, your butt will stay firm till you're 80.

Ideally, we should be controlling what we eat by cooking for ourselves.

Eating processed foods will prevent you from losing weight and shedding fat.

Asparagus is the best at de-bloating, since it helps flush out the bad stuff.

Your body is smarter than you are, so you always have to stay one step ahead.

Eating foods like asparagus and celery will help keep you full and debloat you.

On weekends, I'm chasing my six-year-old girls around the city. That's my cardio!

People tend to lean on cardio machine handles, and their posture begins to suffer.

We live in a society where healthy choices aren't usually the most popular choices.

I equate exercising with brushing my teeth or taking a shower: It gets my day going.

If you look at Jane Fonda's first tape, it's like, 'How to injure yourself to music.'

An ordinary pushup is much more advanced and challenging performed on a stability ball.

Work out to music that's fun for you. I like a good beat; something from Jay-Z or Eminem.

Training is not just about a perkier butt. It should give you a healthier outlook on life.

Dinner should be low in caloric intake. Foods like fish and broccoli are very good choices.

Don't fool with machines you're not familiar with - stick with the treadmill and elliptical.

It's true of models in general - I don't think they eat and fuel properly throughout the day.

Processed sugar - there's nothing good about it. It's a huge, huge industry, and it's poison.

Remember that it's never too late and you're never too old to get the body you were born to have.

The Swiss Ball Pike is a total-body exercise that is especially great for your core, arms, and lower back.

If motivation is an issue, I would try to get out of your house to work out, not just go into the basement.

I have never been in a hotel - from the two-star types all the way to five-star - that does not have a gym.

Avocado is one of my favourite fruits, and my daughters and I love avocado in salads, and even in smoothies.

I've had to focus on the fact that a lot more people don't want to work out in the confines of a gym anymore.

The Swiss ball is such a great tool because it forces you to recruit more muscles in order to stabilize yourself.

Instead of a woman who is starving herself to be a size 0, give me a healthy woman who is a size 8 or 10 any day.

I befriend most of my clients, and I like to go out with them. I like to socialize with them: They're interesting.

In my experience, working with a bride-to-be, the last couple of weeks leading up to the wedding is uber-stressful.

Jumping on something too fast can be a mistake. Tae Bo was once the latest and greatest craze, but where is it now?

All of the exercises in the world won't give you that buff bikini body if you are not eating and hydrating properly.

There are things we do out of habit that are not always good for us. Break the bad habits and develop some good ones.

Here's a universal truth: If you're not working out in the morning, you probably won't do it later in the day, either.

The most common mistake when women go into the gym is to watch someone else do an exercise and start doing the same one.

Move with them, be active with them - whether it's swimming or scooting or bicycling or playing soccer. Engage your child.

To me, loving your kids means teaching them to make smart choices from an early age - not just handing over a sweet treat.

Lie and tell the waiter that you're deathly allergic to butter. This way you can enjoy the steak without all the excess fat.

The program for me, 'The Ultimate New York Body Plan,' is about realizing the best you and really loving the body you create.

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