I love 'Glee.'

He's as nutty as a vegan T-bone.

I sometimes read books on my iPad.

I've been keeping diaries for 27 years.

I think it's important to take chances.

But most good movies have a gun in them.

Jeremy, Good luck on your first marriage.

Weird doors open. People fall into things.

I see you that have a little swimming mouse

I don't like being left to my own thoughts.

I always knew I wanted it to be illustrated.

Nobody pours stuffing like you do, my friend.

If you aren't cute, you may as well be clever.

The rabbit of Easter. He bring of the chocolate.

Because I've always been a fairly nervous person.

In Paris you're always surrounded by French people.

Lovers of audio books learn to live with compromise.

Everyone looks retarded once you set your mind to it.

If you read somebody's diary, you get what you deserve.

I just enjoy lying on the couch and reading a magazine.

I went from having 50 listeners to 50 million listeners.

Like all of my friends, she's a lousy judge of character.

I like nonfiction books about people with wretched lives.

What other people call dark and despairing, I call funny.

I don't like travelling if I know I have to write about it.

We can't profess love without talking through hand puppets.

If you read someone else's diary, you get what you deserve.

I like to reserve the right to write about whatever I like.

Write relentlessly, until you find your voice. Then, use it.

All I do is lie, and that has made me immune to compliments.

The only real advice you can give anyone is to keep writing.

It make one's mouth hurt to speak with such forced merriment.

I like books on tape, and will listen to just about anything.

Art isn't about following the rules. It's about breaking them.

I don't think my life is more interesting than anybody else's.

When they're born outside, crows come and pluck their eyes out.

You can't brace yourself for famine if you've never known hunger.

It's unrealistic to live your life within such strict parameters.

I've often lost faith in myself, I've never lost it in my family.

there's a reason regular people don't appear on TV: we're boring.

I always think it's a good policy to like the people who like you.

There are lots of things that happen to me that I don't write about.

As bad a dresser as I am, anything beats being judged by my character.

The things I've bought from strangers in the dark would curl your hair.

I'm not a reporter but the 'New Yorker' treats everyone like a reporter.

As a foreigner in London, I like that there are so many other foreigners.

Actually I liked that 'Let the Right One In,' that Swedish vampire movie.

Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it.

The Greeks had invented democracy, built the Acropolis and called it a day.

...clatter of a typwriter suggests that you're actually building something.

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