One can only improvise what one knows.

I like time off. I'm not a workaholic.

I think the most beautiful sound is a child laughing.

I am the sort of guy who does go to modern art shows.

It's a bit odd to have a daughter who sounds American.

It's not the easiest thing to have two actors in a family.

When you do something well, this is the best job in the world.

I kind of drifted into acting through a series of coincidences.

Trying to keep a relationship going on the phone is disastrous.

You always have to look for something beautiful wherever you go.

Playing a character who becomes a Buddhist was a great experience.

I was a young actor in my 20s, going out in Soho, having a wild time.

I met the Coens here a few years ago and they said they liked my work.

I'm often cast as religious figures, good and bad, such as 'Kingdom Of Heaven.'

I don't think its good for the soul to invest too much of yourself in technology.

The whole question of 'What is truth?' seemed to be the theme of Trump's presidency.

In 'Seven Years In Tibet,' I played a Buddhist. But I'm not religious at all, really.

I must have read three-quarters of 'Anna Karenina' on my phone. Which might be a record.

I had grown up in a toy shop in Blackpool and then moved to London to do an acting course.

Well I am afraid that I am going to die, because I have just put a down payment on a house.

You can't actually be just a movie actor in Britain, because we don't make that many movies.

I like tourists. I think it's nice to live in a town that people come from all over to visit.

I paint a bit myself. My house in Clerkenwell has a room that is done up like a big installation.

What is truth? What is a true story? Who is telling the truth, and what is truth in this world today?

Most parts I've played since 'Naked,' I can barely remember who they were, let alone repeat any lines.

It's not my ambition to direct lots of films. I think if I direct one film in my whole life, why rush it?

I would consider myself one of the least misogynistic men in the country - if anything, just the opposite.

Dad worked in the same shop, behind the same counter, five or six days a week, for 38 years, and hated it.

The very best thing about doing it is seeing the reaction on kid's faces when you tell them you've done it.

I don't think Alfonso was a big expert on Potter either. He was feeling his way through it more than I was.

I often draw from people in my own experience to base a character on, going back to my days with Mike Leigh.

No matter what one looks at and finds temporarily pleasing, it can never be as beautiful as just a tree, really.

We didn't need the Internet for Nazi Germany to happen. But I feel like there's this lack of humanity because of it.

I want that. I want that awful intense and serious unhappiness, cos then I might feel better, and then I might be happy.

I did 'Basic Instinct 2' because I had a baby about to be born, and the director said we could shoot before the due date.

He'd been let down so often His brow was on the floor But then they found A small hole in the ground And let him down some more

'An Inspector Calls' is a British classic, and I am thrilled to be working on this beautiful screen adaptation with Aisling Walsh.

I've never been that bothered about doing stage or television. I just love doing films. With theatre, it goes on night after night.

People sometimes say, 'Why do you choose a part?' and sometimes it's not that I chose it but that that was the one that came along.

After Cannes, my agent told me to get the next flight to LA. He was right. I had a part in 'Prime Suspect 3' by the end of the week.

I've realized over the years I either play very good people or very bad people, and I think I always enjoy the very bad people more.

I had no idea how one became an actor. I didn't know things such as drama schools existed. It all just sort of happened accidentally.

I adore children. If I weren't an actor, I would be a teacher or work with small children in some way. I feel happy in their company.

'Harry Potter' is very nice because it's very easy to make children happy. All you have to do is have your photograph taken with them.

You become judged entirely on your ability to bring in the dollars, and the fact that none of the films I did was a huge hit became significant.

For years, I've been mistaken for Rhys Ifans. All the time. People come up and say, 'Notting Hill?' I nearly got beaten up once for not being Rhys.

I thought 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory' was terrible. I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, so I don't know what went wrong with that.

As soon as I have the script in my hand, I'll be up in my apartment room pacing up and down learning it because it's just such a lovely thing to do.

I don't think they should trust anything that happens in 'Fargo' at all, and I'm sure 'Fargo' fans know not to make the mistake of trusting too much.

The making of 'Naked' was an absolutely phenomenal, mind-bending experience. That film was life-changing and put my career onto a whole different level.

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