I love scary movies.

You can't stop rock-n-roll!

Sometimes, I'm too smart for my own good.

Nowadays people sell millions of records that can't sing.

There's no tour plans, no reunion, no new album... nothing.

Kiss is like a smell in a paper bag, they just never go away

I wanted to be a rich, famous rock-and-roll star in that order.

I was born and raised a Christian and I still adhere to those principles.

I was born and raised a Christian, and I still adhere to those principles.

I do not believe profanity has anything to do with Christianity, thank you.

Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the "spirits" of things.

Being a parent is not a reasonable thing. It is a very hard thing. I am a parent and I know.

I only have one child. But I am learning that there is a lot to being a parent that you did not expect.

I tested the waters on producing a record, but I'm more of a creative guy. I can't get into minute details.

I tested the waters on producing a record, but I'm more of a creative guy... I can't get into minute details.

Twisted Sister plays 20, 25 shows a year. But if the band had their druthers, they'd be out playing all the time.

But most of my songs were about believing in yourself, standing up for yourself and fighting for what you believe in.

I went for an outrageous form of expressing myself. It seemed to be a way that I could make my name and show that I was somebody.

I've got a lot to do, and I hope that by the end of it all, people will say that Dee Snider was an entertainer, and he did his job well.

I was interviewed by the Moscow Times and they said how's it feel to know that every Russian school child has to read your Teenage Survival Guide? I said slightly terrifying.

I emphatically denounce Paul Ryan's use of my song 'We're Not Gonna Take It' as recorded by my band Twisted Sister. There is almost nothing on which I agree with Paul Ryan, except perhaps the use of the P90X.

My family is out of the ordinary in our physical lifestyle and the day-to-day things that we deal with, but my approach to them is pretty rational and sound. And I'm the quiet one! It's very different from my performing life.

I don't conduct myself like a rock 'n' roll star in my day-to-day living. Am I a celebrity? Yes. Do people recognize me on the street? Yes, they do. But at the same time, it's not a media center out here. People get used to you.

I've produced things myself, I was like telling the producers how to do the show. They really didn't appreciate that, they just wanted a dumb rocker on the show and they got some guy telling them how to do their job. So being too smart can get in the way.

School of Rock. The best music school anywhere. This whole idea of getting kids not just taking lessons and learning notes and chords, but learning songs and playing with other young musicians, and getting out on stage... I was so impressed that my daughter Cheyenne goes to School of Rock on Long Island.

Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the 'spirits' of things. A few years back, my wife was frustrated with the same old stupid sound effects tape we would play, which ends with the theme from 'Ghostbusters' and 'Monster Mash'. I told her that Halloween is way too cool a holiday to suffer through this every year.

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