Networking is working.

Leadership is service to others.

I believe women need to take charge.

I learned marketing at my dinner table.

It's okay to fail if you learn from it.

Innovation requires an experimental mindset.

Discipline gives you the freedom to be creative.

Bolthouse is a great strategic fit with Campbell.

You embrace disruption. I think it's a good thing.

I know there are no sure bets or overnight miracles.

I describe my career path as a zigzag, not a ladder.

I've been preparing to run a big company all my life.

I do think the position I play is a powerful position.

For us, giving back is not an extracurricular activity.

I see the world through Irish eyes, and they are smiling.

Moving with the times is an important idea for strategy today.

The leader is the person who brings a little magic to the moment.

Health and wellness does mean different things to different people.

If you want a CEO role, you have to prepare for it with a vengeance.

We are moving closer to a future where quantified lives will become the norm.

I think you have to see two steps ahead of things. That's just the way I roll.

When I was a manager, I was incredibly results-driven - on a mission at all times.

We must form public-private partnerships to collectively improve children's health.

The world of marketing has changed. You can lead the change or be a victim of change.

I purposely put myself in new, stressful situations so that I can continuously learn.

The entrepreneurial spirit has moved from the garage in high-tech to the kitchen in food.

Transparency doesn't mean much if the consumer doesn't understand what they're looking at.

Consumer preferences for food have changed... Changed radically. I call them seismic shifts.

Trust implies that both parties participate in the relationship with both 'gives' and 'gets.'

You need to be strategic about how you define your leadership journey and where that takes you.

We tend to treat eating and diets as one size fits all. But the human body is very personalized.

We need to be in front of consumer trends and translate those trends into insights and foresights.

The best thing you can do as a leader when people are pressed is get the obstacles out of their way.

I think of feedback as constructive, not positive or negative. You choose to do what you want with it.

Life's a balancing act. You have multiple roles and goals, and you can do it all - just not all at once.

The first step in changing a culture, I believe, starts with the senior leadership team - and with the CEO.

My mother taught us that ambition is part of femininity and really taught us to have substance but also style.

There's no one way to the top. Make your own opportunities. See around corners. Raise your hand for assignments.

The single most important ingredient in the recipe for success is transparency because transparency builds trust.

It is the logical next step in our ongoing effort to shift our company's centre of gravity, accelerate our growth

People are literally tracking everything. People are becoming more empowered and knowing what's going into their body.

With the growth of both urbanization and globalization, consumers are becoming increasingly disconnected from their food.

The attitude of giving a full commitment to the partnership will usually result in getting the same commitment in return.

The business world needs the best talent from both genders to compete in an ever-changing environment and drive innovation.

We've navigated a lot of change at Campbell's. The best thing for me to be able to do is to discuss that change with people.

There are going to be priorities and multiple dimensions of your life, and how you integrate that is how you find happiness.

You need to walk the talk, because you can't expect your organization to behave a certain way that you're not willing to behave.

I am one of four girls and was inspired by my father to dream big. Some girls want to be doctors, but I wanted to run a company.

There is power in helping people get excited about what they do and inspiring and motivating them to unleash their full potential.

The path to diversity begins with supporting, mentoring, and sponsoring diverse women and men to become leaders and entrepreneurs.

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