I could forgive anybody.

I've lived a charmed life.

I never wanted to be a solo artist.

I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet.

Nobody can beat those songs on 'Abbey Road.'

Heck, I feel guilty getting my senior discounts.

I don't wanna be a solo artist. I wanna be in Styx.

Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.

I wear sunglasses almost all the time except when I'm on stage.

It's always best when everyone in the group is on the same page.

When the Beatles broke up, I thought to myself, 'Dude, seriously?'

I was ill in '98. By the end of '99 I was recording and recovering.

Really, the amount of work I do on a project, I will torture myself.

In our haste to grow too soon, we left our innocence on Desert Moon.

There are no electric guitars. 'Hunchback' has arias; it's operatic.

If you say 'Domo arigato' to people, they're apt to go, 'Mr. Roboto.'

People go to musicals because they want to hear some really good songs.

I lived at the greatest time in the history of mankind to be a musician.

Yeah, if anyone tries to tell you 60 is the new 40... don't believe them.

I think the music business is as crass and as unrewarding as it has ever been.

We were together; we were a group; we were a team; we wanted people to love Styx.

Americans are really good at throwing their hands up and walking away from things.

Sometimes your limitations become your strengths. It forces you to create your own niche.

People always ask me: How are you? I say I'm the envy of millions. I've been a lucky guy.

There are all kinds of pretensions about art, but I'm just a guy who sings for his supper.

There is one thing in this world that I'm better that than anyone else and that is being me.

I never imagined that I would have a successful solo career, let alone one in musical theater.

It's a good job when you get to have fans come up to you and thank you for writing your songs.

I'm very proud of it. 'Hunchback' contains some of my favorite music I've ever written in my life.

Essentially I'm a melody person in a rhythm age, and that's what Broadway is really about, the songs.

When I'm onstage the joy is to try to be the best I can be, I'm there because I want it to be perfect.

Touring is real demanding. You swing between sadness and euphoria. But for us to cry about it isn't fair.

Every artist thinks his most recent work is his best. If you didn't feel like that, you wouldn't do anything.

Styx was always a theatrical band. In fact, we played City Center in 1983 with a rock opera, 'Kilroy Was Here.'

I gave my life for Styx and I'm really very proud of it and I didn't want to perform that music and screw it up.

If there's a goal, you can't stop me. I'll put my head down. I'll have tunnel vision and I'll go until I get it.

Nobody can figure out why it does what it does to human beings. But there is no other art form greater than music.

It took me a while to realize that the only way to really communicate with people is to give them your point of view.

The Beatles are here, and if you could see me my hand is on the ceiling. Styx is here, and my hand is in the basement.

Is there anything in life more exhilarating than having 15,000 people absolutely ecstatic to be seeing your human form?

I don't see how 'Hunchback' could ever appeal to children. It's a very adult story that deals with repressed sexuality.

Many musicals you can take and throw in the garbage can because no one took the time to write a song you can care about.

The fact is, for the first 10 years I toured as a solo artist, I wasn't playing any of the songs I didn't write or sing.

When I wrote 'Grand Illusion,' I was making it up as we went along. I wrote this stuff and tried to do the best job I could.

To be successful in your life, you have to be convinced in your own mind that you have the ability to accomplish your goals.

I was damn lucky to choose this profession. I had no idea when I started out that I was really an illusionist and a magician.

If you think marriage is gonna be easy, don't do it because when there are children involved, you screw up the rest of society.

If you try to do a genuine rock musical, rock people will think you're flaccid and Broadway audiences will think you're too loud.

When we started, there were no other distractions like the Internet and video games, so music was central to young people's lives.

I still see myself as the kid who plays accordion and tries to keep people happy for 45 minutes. And there's nothing wrong with that.

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