You're like a turd that won't flush.

As an actor, you have no control really.

For most of my life, I wasn't on the Left.

I don't enjoy being recognised. It's unpleasant.

The man is clear in his mind, but his soul is mad.

Just because it happened to you, doesn't mean it's interesting.

The best and only authentic book written on the sixties underground.

Photography and painting, all of that fed into my directing eventually.

To make a documentary is one thing, to make a feature film is quite another.

My whole written history is one big lie! I mean, I can't even believe my history.

'Easy Rider' and 'The Last Movie' were the only films that I made totally on my own.

It takes more than going down to the video store and renting "Easy Rider" to be a rebel.

I've always been doing some sort of art. I started off, when I was very young, painting.

Dialectic logic is there's only love and hate, you either love somebody or you hate them.

The new generation doesn't know anything about me except for what they saw in' Easy Rider.'

In a world where the dead have returned to life, the word" trouble' loses much of its meaning.

When we're out of the eighties, the nineties are gonna make the sixties look like the fifties!

Like all artists, I want to cheat death a little and contribute something to the next generation.

I never really made any money and it certainly cost me more to take photographs than I got for them.

My grandparents were from Kentucky - I'm related to Daniel Boone. He was my great-great-great uncle.

Society loves to put bubbles up there and pop them, and I resent it. I'd rather expose myself myself.

The reality of things going on around me is more interesting than the fantasies of the world I work in.

I was very shy, and it was a lot easier for me to communicate if I had a camera between me and other people.

I painted from the time I was five years old. I was going to be a painter, an actor, a director, and a writer.

I wanted to be an actor. I decided when I was very young, when I first saw movies, that I wanted to be an actor.

Easy Rider' was never a motorcycle movie to me. A lot of it was about politically what was going on in the country.

In Method acting, you can't have preconceived ideas. You have to live in the moment. You have to keep yourself open.

'Easy Rider' was never a motorcycle movie to me. A lot of it was about politically what was going on in the country.

Two chicks. I mean, ladies... ah - women, girls, whatever the term is. I'll get it. I've got it marked down somewhere.

When some people were going around being surf bums and tennis bums, I was being a gallery bum. I really liked galleries.

I made my living as an actor, and I love acting, so I'm an actor. But that gets you in a lot of trouble in the art world.

I was a Shakespearean actor, I had preconceived ideas, line readings - everything was a gesture, everything was conscious.

People keep asking me, 'What evil lurks in you to play such bad characters?' There is no evil in me, I just wear tight underwear.

I'm still around artists. I don't have anymore wall space. And I don't have the money to collect anymore, the prices are outrageous.

Art is a bad word in Hollywood. You use art too many times and they show you the elevator and then your name is taken off the parking lot.

I think, at one point, I'd been in the five most expensive movies ever made - not that I had large parts in them. 'Apocalypse Now' was one.

There are moments that I`ve had some real brilliance, you know. But I think they are moments. And sometimes, in a career, moments are enough.

I should have been dead ten times over. I've thought about that a lot. I believe in miracles. It's an absolute miracle that I'm still around.

I think of [my photographs] as found paintings because I don't crop them, I don't manipulate them or anything. So they're like found objects to me.

You know, the history of California art doesn't start until about 1961, and that's when these photographs start. I mean, we have no history out here.

Well, it's not just money. I consider myself establishment right now. I'm borderline establishment, I'm hanging on by my toenails - but I'm establishment.

Work is fun to me. All those years of being an actor and a director and not being able to get a job - two weeks is too long to not know what my next job will be.

Victoria got very involved with the Obama campaign, and I stepped back out of it. I thought it was good for her to get some glory. It's hard being married to a celebrity.

I changed to Republican when Reagan became president because I wanted to see a change to years of Democrat-run Senate. And I voted Republican until Obama. I think he's terrific.

I was an abstract expressionist before I had seen any abstract expressionist paintings. I started when I was a kid and continued just doing abstract stuff all through high school.

I've been a Republican since Reagan. I voted for Bush and his father. I don't tell a lot of people, because I live in a city where somebody who voted for Bush is really an outcast.

I did a lot of films in Europe, in Spain. I went to Australia and did 'Mad Dog Morgan'; I did 'Apocalypse Now' in the Philippines; I did Wim Wenders' film 'The American Friend' in Germany.

I was reading a lot of Thomas Jefferson at the time, and Jefferson said that every 20 years, if one party has stayed in power, it's your obligation as an American to vote the other party in.

I used to have to wear a gas mask to school when I was a kid because of the dust. I would tell people that the first light I saw was in a movie theater, because the sun was just a little glow.

Independent films in this country are in the same position. Miramax and Fine Line are not independent - they're with Disney! Come on. Or they're with Warner Brothers. They're all with somebody.

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