It's nice to play someone who functions in a very different way than I do.

As a kid, Punky Brewster was my idol. I wanted to dress like her and talk like her.

I'd rather deal with the consequences of the truth rather than the benefits of a lie.

I grew up in the 90s, so Ive definitely resurrected many looks from my youth lately, including overalls, jelly shoes, and, of course, Doc Martens.

I grew up in the '90s, so I've definitely resurrected many looks from my youth lately, including overalls, jelly shoes, and, of course, Doc Martens.

Except for Carrie Bradshaws in the opening credits of Sex and the City, I dont know if the tutu has ever really been trendy, but I want to wear one. I want to dance around in it, and I want that to be socially acceptable.

Except for Carrie Bradshaw's in the opening credits of 'Sex and the City,' I don't know if the tutu has ever really been trendy, but I want to wear one. I want to dance around in it, and I want that to be socially acceptable.

We film 'Resurrection' in Atlanta, where humidity is a force to be reckoned with, especially for those of us who have naturally curly hair. I would love for the au naturel look of the '60s to come back. No make up, no hair products - just sun-kissed skin, freckles, and crazy curls.

London has such an unbelievable respect for theater, where L.A. does not. You go to a play here, and the dude next to you is sleeping. In London, if you're not in your seat when it starts, they lock the door. In Los Angeles, you can stroll into school late with a cup of coffee. In London, you get your butt to class on time.

It's so fun to be on a show where we're all on our toes, all the time. We're constantly texting each other and calling each other while we're reading and go, "Oh, my gosh, I can't believe you do that! Holy cow! This is crazy!" Sometimes it's a bit more procedural. Sometimes it's a bit more emotional. We get the best of all genres, in one little package.

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