I was born and brought up in Hyderabad.

I am never going to stop evolving and growing.

Working with a female director has great perks.

I have enough make-up to last me five lifetimes.

I should thank my parents for my beauty. It's in my genes.

It is important for the film industry to rise above ageism.

It's really wrong to judge someone because of their beliefs.

I can make a mean Kachchi Biryani, and sometimes I bake it, too.

I think good work, sincerity and discipline speak for themselves.

Participating in Miss India was a paradigm shift and I had a blast.

Give me rice, dal and some aachar any day, or a Spaghetti Bolognese.

I handle my home beautifully. However, I am not just my husband's name.

It's important to be a witness to reality as this world can consume you.

I only want to be part of movies that I believe in and I have no regrets.

Well, now I would like to kidnap Johnny Depp and yes, Ranbir Kapoor for sure.

'Kaafir' has come along because I have never been more aligned with my truth.

I look for gravitas and substance that can outlast the theatrical experience.

I am so glad to have found a sister in Sonam Nair. She makes work such a joy.

What gives you strength at any circumstance is your understanding of yourself.

When you are an actor you are a very small part of a very large scheme of things.

I chase dreams that fulfill me and not a dream that somebody else describes to me.

When I was just four-and-a-half, my parents separated and both my parents remarried.

I've been meditating since 14 years and my mornings are spent in the building garden.

Beauty is not about good skin, features and figure, but about your nature and habits.

It is impossible to teach people to conserve nature if they don't learn to love nature.

Children are my favorite people, because they inspire me with their optimism and spirit.

I believe in the power of one and that we are all bound by the thread of oneness and humanity.

I lost my biological father at nine, but up until then, we celebrated Christmas and Easter too.

I have always expressed my opinion fearlessly. To not express the truth is far more frightening.

I feel that if you are a creative person, you choose various mediums to give vent to your ideas.

I have grown up on a diet of sunrise picnics, learning the names of butterflies, planting trees.

I chose to be part of 'Kaafir' because the story called out to my soul, I need to connect with it.

I don't give in and I don't believe in giving up. This comes naturally to me, I know no other way.

My personal style is classic. So a classic element will always find its way into everything I wear.

I'm a minimalist: For a day look, I like earth tones,and at night I go with kohl and a smudgy black eye.

The only challenge I faced in the beginning was that no one believed I could seriously see a film through.

Being pregnant is a wonderful thing. I have never understood why people make such a big deal of it though.

One should never ignore or be afraid of reporting or calling out a harasser. There is no shame in doing so.

Every role I have in my kitty is different. None of them resemble the roles I have played in my earlier films.

People worship and revere Ganga as a mother, and then throw away flowers in a plastic bag into the same river.

I get bored of training easily. I constantly need something to invigorate me, which will get me to hit the gym.

If you are a woman and an actor, it does not mean that you have to contain or limit yourself to just being that.

Digital shows have played a big part in empowering female artists. I'm very lucky to be a part of such projects.

Being married to a wonderful, motivating partner has brought happiness and a greater sense of purpose to my life.

I have always believed that an artiste needs to respond to a story first. One has to feel it in order to live it.

I was told 'You should just do commercials and Bollywood' and Bollywood would be said to me like it's a bad thing.

Failure at the box office of some of my earlier films led to a lack of opportunity to play main lead in good films.

I did not set up Born Free because I wanted to see myself in films... I want to take my aspirations to another level.

I have discovered the virtue of patience and I don't quite believe that taking a break for good reason can be a risk.

I started cooking when I was growing up in Hyderabad, and I was already pretty decent when I was around seven years old.

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