The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly ...

The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.

Juno: Honest to blog?

He is the cheese to my macaroni.

Juno: WOOOAH! ....Dreeeaaam BIG!

Jeez banana! Shut your freaking gob!

I normally ignore the History Channel.

I have a huge repertoire. I love karaoke.

Juno MacGuff: I don't know what kind of girl I am.

To enjoy being famous, you need to have a screw loose.

Love is mysterious and rad, like Steve Perry from Journey

I write small and weird. Romcoms are not in my skill set.

I am actually able to do other things. I'm not just this writer.

I think sometimes people really require the satisfaction of closure.

Juno MacGuff: I was out handling things way beyond my maturity level.

It's actually much harder to develop a TV show than I had anticipated.

I try to avoid Twitter. I occasionally can't resist the siren call of email.

For me, writing essays, prose and fiction is a great way to be self-indulgent.

I don't know why, but I've always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did.

I don't think coolness used to be such a commodity among adults. And now it is.

Nobody comes to Minnesota to take their clothes off, at least as far as I know.

Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings worse than your abandonment.

People are more interested in being visible than they are in loving other people.

Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself.

When I was a kid, I attended a small Catholic school in a south suburb of Chicago.

Juno MacGuff: You can never have too many of your favorite one calorie breath mints.

Los Angeles is often described as the nadir of vapidity, a smog-choked space cradle.

I know white clothing is supposed to enhance that summer glow, but writers don't tan.

If this whole writing thing doesn't work out, I'll be getting right back on the pole.

I would never consent to a lame publicity stunt at a time when I already want to hide.

Couture gowns are like gremlins; you can't expose them to bright light or get them wet.

Stripping toughened my hide, but exposing myself as a writer has been a lot more brutal.

Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?

I spent a lot of time staring at the clock in school, so I have that kind of personality.

Vodka Redbull: Upper meets downer in an effervescent hybrid of bubble gum and junkie piss

People don't have these tidy little redemption arcs in reality the way they do in movies.

I'm not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies.

In the past, I'll admit, I've enjoyed being compared to the protagonists in my screenplays.

I just want to be able to keep my house and pay for my son's school tuition in Los Angeles.

I can't write at night. For me, I'm programmed to believe that nighttime is for relaxation.

My boyfriend is Italian and from New Jersey, so naturally he was thrilled to meet Joe Pesci.

I don't have a terrible singing voice, but I also wouldn't call it 'good.' I can carry a tune.

'Sweet Valley High' is fantastic, fabulous, a little bit campy, and - dare I say it - cinematic.

You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I'm glad it's over.

Gas Attendant: "Thata ain't no etch-a-sketch. Thats one doodle that can't be un-did home skillet.

Everybody knows that I'm not a snob when it comes to pop culture, obviously. I love reality shows.

If I want to get a taste of beach culture, I'll fire up my season 2 DVD of 'Beverly Hills, 90210.'

I've always been a writer, I've always been a storyteller, but I never thought about screenwriting.

Bren MacGuff: Well, honey, doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream.

The public's appetite for frothy, flippant blondes has waned, but Paris Hilton still fascinates me.

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