All are welcome in sport.

We can't hide from the truth.

Sport is a way of uniting people.

Scoring eight goals is never easy.

Sport represents a union of diversity.

Brazil remains a reference to the sport.

What interests me principally are points.

Being prudent does not mean being fearful.

A 3-0 win in the World Cup, it's never easy.

It is always good to be careful or vigilant.

Continuity is very important for national teams.

One of the main tasks of a manager is psychology.

You can't win anything more special than a World Cup.

We often compare footballers with players of the past.

Brazil is the land of football. They have a lot of passion.

I always make decisions for the good of the team of France.

The biggest victories can lead to the greatest foolishness.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to slip back into bad habits.

An invitation to the national team is not a declaration of love.

We do not do everything perfectly, but the intentions are there.

In tough times, that's when you see true colours and personality.

For me, I always considered that a group is above everything else.

For a player or coach, there is nothing better than the World Cup.

Paul Pogba can do everything but he cannot do everything all alone.

Those friendly games are not pointless. They enable us to go forward.

It's quite easy in football when you can bang it into the top corner.

To score three goals and not concede any is always interesting for a coach.

When things are tough, French athletes tend to pull out great performances.

With the support of all our fans, we have to be stronger than our opponents.

There is no worse situation to enter competition than losing the home opener.

It is up to the players and their advisers to see what is best for the player.

There are a lot of things you can practise to unsettle teams that defend deep.

Kylian is able to do extraordinary things. Look at his stats. He is efficient.

When you're a coach there's no age limit. It's the results that make you last.

My past as a player is strongly linked to the red, white and blue France shirt.

Even when things are going well, there are always aspects that can be improved.

To be in the France team means they have a number of duties and responsibilities.

My players need to have the feeling that they've pushed themselves to their limits.

What I can say is that I feel very good as the national team coach. I really enjoy it.

For Euro 2016, we must remain humble, but we have the ambition to go as far as possible.

When you play Argentina and Messi, there are several ways to limit his impact, at least.

You can always criticise people, the players are aware we can improve in a number of areas.

Goal-line technology is a good thing. The ref gets the signal and can decide based on that.

That's what international football is all about - be able to bounce after a bad performance.

Nothing is impossible. Lassana Diarra did not play for France for five years and then returned.

When you go to a club abroad and play against one from your own country, you are part of the enemy.

What's important is you mustn't focus too early and try to play the game before it actually begins.

It happens to attackers that they have a longer or shorter period where they are not always efficient.

I'm not immune to disciplinary problems and it's up to me to make strong choices. It's my responsibility.

We must not dive into tackles but force the opponent to run so that maybe they will crack late in the game.

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