Boxing is about hunger.

I can sing 'Love Me Do,' very well.

Cinema is a mirror that can change the world.

I want to see movies where I can relate to the guy.

My father had to play the role of mother and father.

Film can be a tool for change; it can start a debate.

If we put our differences aside, we can do great things.

Directors should be paid for promising impossible things.

Sometimes as a boy, you really want to feel older and mature.

Acting is therapy. It keeps you in contact with your feelings.

If your neighbor's reality changes, yours will change as well.

My first son was born in Los Angeles; he's a Mexican-American.

I was raised an orphan... My mother died when I was 2 years old.

I think film is a world of directors. Theater is a world of actors.

When I was really young, I used to lie a lot. Now I get paid to do it.

No makeup can substitute for faces that have actually been under the sun.

There is no success you can celebrate more than the success of a brother.

I definitely promise to always make films about issues that matter to me.

Julio Cesar Chavez is the most important sporting figure we have ever had.

You have to accept who you are in order to make someone happy and be happy.

Sadly, there are a lot of ignorant people that have access to a microphone.

It's indifference and ignorance that stops people from doing the right thing.

For me, the relationship with my father is the most important thing that I have.

I enjoy working with actors so much and having the chance to be surprised by them.

I don't make films for myself; I make them in order to communicate with an audience.

I was six when I started working in theater. I chose to be an adult before I should be.

Everywhere you look, especially on TV, someone is promising to make you rich and famous.

I would say doing film is all about trust and conviction. It's about believing in an idea.

I hate fights. I try to talk people out of fighting if I can and if they start I run away.

When I was a kid, if I liked something from merchandising, I'd have to go to the toy store.

The first fight I ever saw live was the first Castillo-Corrales match in Las Vegas in 2005.

I always thought of documentaries as films through which you find your voice as a narrator.

You exorcise the things that haunt you. That's one good thing about any artistic discipline.

Everyone is different, and so I don't want to repeat anyone else's career. I want to do mine.

You don't want to disappoint anybody, but you know, you lose your voice by trying to please everyone.

Acting is about communicating, reacting, and sharing - and friendship is about all of those things, too.

Before 'Y Tu Mama,' I did 16 movies that only my family got to see because I invited them to the premiere.

Since 'Y Tu Mama Tambien,' I started to spend a lot of time in the United States, and my son was born there.

I don't want to do a history lesson. I don't think cinema should be about that. Cinema should be about emotions.

I try to always bring topics to the table that matter, topics that I think need to be discussed and reflected on.

To me, directing movies is just that. It's a need to question myself and set the things that disturb me on the table.

We have to accept the world has become this place where we have to interact with people who are very different from us.

The nice thing about my job is that it allows me to look deeper into issues and then tell stories with that information.

We should be talking about celebrating our differences, understanding that those differences make us richer and stronger.

The beauty of football is that it's about 11, and another five, at least, are sitting outside. You cannot get competitive.

In film, normally what happens is that not many people work more than once. Normally, it breaks couples. It doesn't make them.

We live in a classist, racist, homophobic society into which we are very assimilated, that's all. I'm not really proud about that.

If being a sex symbol means you have lots of sex, then I am glad to be a sex symbol. But in real life I'm not. That doesn't happen.

Audiences want to feel represented, want to be able to empathize with the characters and the stories they are seeing on the screen.

I've gone across that border many times. My son was born in the United States; he is also a Mexican-American with the two passports.

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