Every life is special.

I am a very lazy person.

I am a gypsy, basically.

I made my film debut in 1973.

I like a slower pace of life.

For me, antiques are a passion.

I believe that life begins at 50.

There aren't enough good scripts.

I haven't been a prototype mother.

I know I'm blessed with good looks.

There is no role that I look forward to.

It's always exciting starting a new film.

I travel a lot; I go hunting for antiques.

People call me fussy, but that's a fallacy.

I love playing poker, reading, and painting.

For me, filming is always like delivery pains.

I was never a 'Mills and Boon' kind of a person.

My candle-making business gives me decent money.

People still come to me and compliment me on 'Bobby.'

I just love candles... the colour, the glow, the light.

I speak Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, and English.

I have never struggled, and I have never done anything.

I don't like questions that delve into my personal life.

Direction or even production doesn't fascinate me at all.

Films cannot change anybody's life. That's a load of crap.

People feel I look younger than my age. I don't feel that way.

I love seeing colours of various hues; they simply fascinate me.

If I had to do it all over again, I would still get married at 16.

I was lucky that my first movie itself established me as an actress.

I don't want to push myself and am happy doing one to two films a year.

I can dress down, but I can't dress up. I'm not a great one for glitter.

I see candles as varied things. They give a warm glow, and fire purifies.

If there has to be one favourite actor of mine, it has to be Rajesh Khanna.

I like all kinds of music, be it old Hindi movie songs or English classics.

I have done fewer films than I should have. No regrets. I wanted to be at home.

I am trying to do films that stay with me for some time. 'Banaras' stays with me.

The challenge itself is to exceed certain high standards you've set for yourself.

Hindi cinema hasn't moved at all in terms of roles for actresses beyond 18 years.

I think Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, and Ranveer Singh are doing a fabulous job.

I have done enough, and I am not dissatisfied with the body of work that I have done.

To me, Valentine's Day is not merely limited to a lover but speaks of universal love.

When a successful man goes to pieces, his frustration engulfs the entire surroundings.

I'm a very open person, and I am not ashamed of it being out there. It's part of life.

I don't get too much work to begin with, and whatever I get is mostly not good enough.

Hrithik Roshan is excellent - he is miles ahead of everybody in passion and dedication.

I never thought I would get a National Award. For me, it was huge, and I got complacent.

I was never a chiffon and satin person. I am always a cotton person. It's just the way I am.

I would like to do a role that has something to do with mysticism or even a supernatural one.

People who know me know that I am very clumsy, always fumbling, and I talk rubbish most of the times.

There is certainly no formula of making a successful film, but there are means to make a sensible film.

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