Attention. That's all girls want.

It's never too late to change your luck

And I'm scared. I'm scared for my life.

All of the best songs happen on a whim.

The monsters in my head are scared of love.

PC Music is a really post-modern attempt at pop.

90 percent of the records I make are spontaneous.

I was a schoolteacher for a while, and it was the worst job.

Someone should make a Kickstarter to get Taylor Swift a booty.

I've been in jail a couple times. I've been caught shoplifting.

People don't know exactly what I do; they just know I'm 'cool.'

Even in America, we're not a huge act by any means, Major Lazer.

Spread ya legs, arch your back. Go up and down, and make it clap.

Good bands won't get famous anymore unless they get really lucky.

Man, I don't got any real fans. Just fair-weather ones and groupies.

I wish I played guitar so I could start a band with great musicians.

Sometimes I make more money in a weekend than my grandpa made in a year.

Snapchat's the place where people are hearing and learning about culture.

I was playing hip-hop when everybody else was playing the giant rave music.

Every day is work for me, but it's also a party. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

I do think that I never got tied down to any social scene. I was just into creating stuff.

You can never figure out what the future sounds like. As soon as you make it, it's the past.

Classic rock, psychedelic rock - I like to dig up old music and see what I can get influenced by.

People like me, DJs and producers, have a bigger say and a bigger voice than we've ever had before.

If anyone takes me seriously then they actually must have a problem .. Music is fun its not algebra.

I never became a producer to go to parties or wear nice clothes or put sales figures on my Wiki page.

America's definitely a trendsetter, and it's where a lot of information goes out to the rest of the world.

Man, the only thing that's important is what is due tomorrow. I don't care what it is as long as it's good.

I used to be a record collector. Mark Ronson, Questlove and I used to be part of, like, a record-trading crew.

I just love to collaborate with people who take my ideas real serious, and they don't put up walls around them.

Because I can go to Vegas and make the money I do, I'm able to spend a lot more time producing music that I love.

The best gift you can give to a girl is your devotion, not some Louboutins. But buy those if you're busy, for sure.

If anybody is excited about my music, that's all I care about. I care about people who are excited about new music.

Dance music is so interchangeable. There's not a lot of face to it. It's a bunch of Dutch DJs with the same haircut.

To me, rap music is bigger than who's the coolest rapper, the biggest rapper. It's everything about your personality.

You always have to evolve - the minute you start building a moat around you to keep yourself safe, you're going to lose.

I appreciate people who are authentic. Someone who just wants to be cool, I can tell when their intentions aren't right.

I'm trying to always do new things because if you stay behind and fight the future, you are just going to be left behind.

I used the name Diplo at one show when I was really young, and it just stuck. I never meant to keep it. But it's kinda cool.

New York feels like the whole city is into dance music. That's not how it felt when I was younger. There was more of a hipster scene.

K-pop is a weird term because K-pop has everything - rap records - it's very pop-sounding; there are really boy-band-sounding records.

That's how I'm able to work and move between so many different genres - I want to be part of what's happening, I want to make new things.

Selling MP3s or physical copies, it's still cool, but I think it's slowly becoming outdated to where people just want to build a culture.

My first production job after M.I.A. was actually the xx, but they didn't like what I did, and at the end of the day, we used their demos.

That's what I care about is the people I work with and representing them and helping to make their music apparent for the rest of the world.

I'm not a superstar, per se... but I'm a musical creator - a producer in the same vein as what Quincy Jones was, or Pharrell and Timbaland were.

I was never good at scratching, but I was good at collecting old records. Florida was a great place for that, because it's where people go to die.

All I know is don't ever get into a feud with Taylor Swift. She has, like, 50 million people that will die for her. You can't step into that arena.

There are opportunities that I have because I'm a white dude, and it's controversial because that's just the way that the world we live in kind of is.

Man, I don't read books! I just read a bunch of 'Walking Dead' comics. I don't even read comics, but zombies are something I just can't get enough of.

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