Exercise your right to vote.

Leadership is a choice one makes.

I call myself an addicted organizer.

Honor the hands that harvest your crops.

Every minute a chance to change the world.

How do I stop eleven million people from buying the grape?

Walk the street with us into history. Get off the sidewalk.

As a youngster and being a Latina, you see so much injustice.

That's the history of the world. His story is told, hers isn't.

We know we only have about half of our population that's voting.

Organized labor is the only way to have fair distribution of wealth...

If you haven't forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others.

If you haven't forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?

Why is it that farmworkers feed the nation but they can't get food stamps?

My son Emilio is running for Congress to continue the fight for social justice.

We can't let people drive wedges between us... because there's only one human race.

My dad was very intelligent, had a very strong personality. I was amazed with my father.

I hope people become inspired to become active in their community. That's the important thing.

My son, Emilio Huerta, is running for congress. He was a young man who was marching and picketing.

If we don't have workers organized into labor unions, we're in great peril of losing our democracy.

We criticize and separate ourselves from the process. We've got to jump right in there with both feet.

I'm glad that the fact that people are still getting poisoned by pesticide drift is gaining attention.

When a group of people get together, it's collective power. You know that you're doing it for the good.

Going door to door and talking to people, convincing them to vote - this is what I call Organizing 101.

I always thought it was wrong for me to take credit for the work that I did. I don't think that anymore.

Sometimes, we have to promote ourselves. Just go out and be very active about trying to find an opportunity.

When you choose to give up your time and resources to participate in community work, that's what makes a leader.

Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.

Once I learned about grassroots organizing, I got so enamored with it because I thought 'Wow this is the way you do it!'

We have to get back down to basics. We have to start organizing at the neighborhood level to get people educated to vote.

The racist rhetoric from politicians is inspiring people to organize, as more people see what happens by not getting active.

I think organized labor is a necessary part of democracy. Organized labor is the only way to have fair distribution of wealth.

If we can just convince other people to get involved, this could make some major changes in our society. It's very exhilarating.

We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on the earth for.

Let's teach kids, at the kindergarten level, what the contributions of people of color were to building the United States of America.

I am happy to see that, increasingly, people care about farm workers. There is tremendous interest in where and how our food is grown.

Don't be a marshmallow. Walk the street with us into history. Get off the sidewalk. Stop being vegetables. Work for Justice. Viva the boycott!

I started really noticing, more and more, how men will plagiarize and take credit for women's work... I've noticed that it just happens a lot.

Employers able to work together with workers and sharing gains and profits will lead to a much better world, getting away from income inequality.

Racism and sexism, misogyny and homophobia, they're so visible. They're out in the open. When they're visible, it's a lot easier to deal with them.

My mother was a dominant force in our family. And that was great for me as a young woman, because I never saw that women had to be dominated by men.

Once you see the outcomes and the results, and you see how many people are helped and benefitting, you want to keep on doing it because it's so simple.

A women's place in history has never been given the attention that it needs to be given, and that's why we have a lot of the misogyny in our society today.

We need to keep ringing the bell, wake people up to get our democracy together. Farm workers are like a symbol, and it is good that people are paying attention.

Gloria Steinem in the women's movement. Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority. There are all of these great wonderful women I've met that are so inspirational.

People were asleep, but I think they're waking up now. Trump has given everybody a good kick, and people are waking up and realizing they've got to get involved.

My children grew up very resourceful and strong in spite of them having to live with different families and that I had to drag them all over the country with me.

It was really hard for them to intimidate me. They felt I was intimidating. One of the growers had a name for me: I think it was 'dragon lady' or something like it.

We as women should shine light on our accomplishments and not feel egotistical when we do. It's a way to let the world know that we as women can accomplish great things!

If people don't vote, everything stays the same. You can protest until the sky turns yellow or the moon turns blue, and it's not going to change anything if you don't vote.

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