Where do you want it?

I hate all hitters. I start a game mad and I stay that way until it's over.

When I throw a curve that hangs and it goes for a hit, I want to chew up my glove.

The Houston Astros are the youngest team in the National League if you judge by age.

If they knocked two of your guys down, I'd get four. You have to protect your hitters.

When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw your taxes.

When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw up your taxes.

The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid, and if he is timid, he has to remind the hitter he's timid.

My own little rule was two for one. If one of my teammates got knocked down, then I knocked down two on the other team.

The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid. And if the hitter is timid, he has to remind the hitter he's timid.

A torn rotator cuff is a cancer for a pitcher and if a pitcher gets a badly torn one, he has to face the facts, it's all over baby.

It's a bottom line business where a lot of gray suits are brought in and then, within two years, these guys suddenly know everything about baseball.

Some of these guys wear beards to make them look intimidating, but they don't look so tough when they have to deliver the ball. Their abilities and their attitudes don't back up their beards.

In Brooklyn, it was as though you were in your own little bubble. You were all part of one big, but very close family, and the Dodgers were the main topic of everybody's conversations and you could sense the affection people had for you. I don't know that such a thing exists anymore.

When the ball is over the middle of the plate, the batter is hitting it with the sweet part of the bat. When it's inside, he's hitting it with the part of the bat from the handle to the trademark. When it's outside, he's hitting it with the end of the bat. You've got to keep the ball away from the sweet part of the bat. To do that, the pitcher has to move the hitter off the plate.

We're comfortable financially, so it wasn't a financial issue that I voted Conservative. Basically, it was for the same reason we voted for Diefenbaker. First it was Mackenzie King, then St. Laurent -- Christ, the Liberals were in something like 20 years in a row (22 actually) --and we simply needed a change. It was getting like a dictatorship. Whether elected or not, that's not good for the country. I didn't go to war for a dictatorship.

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