In baseball I was pretty cocky.

Women have to be protected more.

I've never been a scorer in my life.

I have a tendency to freak myself out.

I've gotten better. I've added a lot to my game.

I can say Rookie of the Year is what I want to do.

I want to play for my country and win a gold medal.

Being patient is one of the big things I've focused on.

When you think shoot, shoot, shoot you miss open passes.

Zero assists. That's not who I am. That's not how I play.

You know, it's a long season and hopefully a long career.

Unfortunately, Caesar salad dressing is the worst for you.

It's easy to give back to people who are so genuine and kind.

When I was a kid, my favorite event was the Slam Dunk Contest.

I'm focusing on the day to day and all the accolades will come.

I'm a very, very impatient person when it comes to breaking news.

My favorite character in 'Star Wars' is Luke Skywalker, for sure.

I've been a dunker for longer than I've been a basketball player.

I'm the type of person that if I put it off, I'll forget about it.

People see me scoring now, but I got drafted because of my defense.

People make fun of Utah nightlife, but it's actually dope. I love it.

The biggest thing I've been working on his just finding the open man.

I come from New York. It's busy. It's populated. It's noisy. It's loud.

I feel the need to really get after a guy defensively and showing that.

What's special about Salt Lake, it's a small, tight-knit, close community.

I've shared doTERRA products with my coaches, chef, and especially teammates.

I have so many special memories from the camps I went to when I was growing up.

As a kid, my favorite subject was recess. Why? Because I could go play basketball.

My teammates have had my back with every mistake, with everything I have done well.

I was a good athlete, a good baseball player. A great baseball player, I should say.

I missed a few key basketball games, AAU games, because I didn't finish my homework.

I'm on a no-gummy bear or juice diet, and my body feels like it's dying on the inside.

I think you should invest in a company that you really enjoy working with and being with.

I was the lead recruiter at Louisville. I think I signed four or five guys before I left.

It's pretty cool to see the people I'm reaching throughout the entire world. It's special.

I know guys in the league say, 'Oh yeah, I love X, Y, Z city.' But man, I genuinely love Utah.

I couldn't shoot and I couldn't score in high school. All I could do is dunk and play defense.

Why can't you be both? Why can't I be on the basketball team but also be the student president?

I never expected to be in the NBA, to be here, let alone to have my own shoe in my second year.

I love everything about being in Utah. I'll never change it. I don't need the big market to be happy.

It's not like I'm the lead actor or anything. But it's really cool to be in a Steven Soderbergh movie.

I'm from New York. You walk by, you bump somebody and they give you a look. There's always an attitude.

During the season, I'm always locked in one gear, ready to play basketball, always keeping my guard up.

My teammates and I have so much faith in each other on the court while we're out there trying to win games.

I'm just trying to find ways to continue to pass and continuing to be consistent in every aspect of my game.

With such a rigorous schedule, it's important that I do everything I can to maintain my health and wellness.

I feel like I lead a lot by using my voice, it's natural for me, but I also think it's been more by example.

I would love to bring the state of Utah their first championship. I think that's one thing I've always wanted.

I keep a small - a very, very, very small circle. It's just me and my mom and my sister. And maybe Chris Paul.

Determination Over Negativity is a belief that anything is possible no matter who you are or where you come from.

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