Most of my family are good athletes.

I enjoy playing it every time I step on the course.

Golf is a weird sport. Some days you got it. Some days you don't.

Just when you feel like you get on top, something happens that knocks you down.

I'm pretty close with a lot of guys, like Nick Watney and Steve Marino, D.J. Trahan and Charlie Warren.

At Pebble Beach, even on your good shots, you've got to hit it to the correct side of the holes to save pars.

Anytime you're playing a major, the last four or five holes, it's not going to be easy. It's never a guarantee. It's never easy.

I sign autographs and try to be as nice to people as possible, and I do pretty well with that. I understand the importance of it.

What it feels like when you're playing good? I don't know. It feels the same as every other day. Just more putts are going in the hole.

Telling me that I can't do something is probably the worst thing that anyone can say, because I'll definitely do it. I'm very determined.

As a kid, I remember John Daly bombing it around St. Andrews in 1995 to win the British Open, and people say we are similar in a lot of ways.

It's just a game. I love it. And yeah, I get frustrated, but I try to not let it get me too upset. I mean, I don't get upset over bad shots or anything like that.

I love being on the water, wakesurfing and wakeboarding. I'm not thinking about golf. I'm just wondering if my cooler's got enough ice to make it through the day.

I try not to get too emotional, whether it's going really well or going really bad, i always try to stay even keel -- which is great for golf, but it isn't always great for life.

Obviously, having my brother on the bag is big for me. He's my best friend. So you know, having my brother there, we spend a lot of time with our caddie. So, someone you enjoy being around.

Whether you're driving it short or you drive it far, you got to be in the fairway because the rough's brutal, and if you get out of the rough into some of these bunkers, you can get some funky lies.

You still just got to play your game. No matter where you're at, you've got to play your game, especially in majors. When you try to push and try to make things happen, that's when you can make some big numbers at the majors.

Having three tough finishing holes in a major, you know, you know that, most likely, it's going to come down to those last three holes. Having a good game plan, a good strategy, and executing obviously is going to be the big key.

When I'm on really tough golf courses, I feel like I'm more focused because I'm really trying to hit the ball to a certain spot, instead of, a lot of times, when I struggle sometimes is just staying mentally focused on every shot.

That's the great thing about golf is you never know who is going to win. On good, tough golf courses, it brings it back to the best players. But it's always the best player that week is going to win. I mean, so it could be anybody.

I think every part of your game, on this golf course, needs to be good. You've got to hit every club in the bag. You need to drive it well, hit your irons well, and always, if you want to have a chance to win a Major, then you've got to putt it well.

I hit the ball really well... had a lot of good looks at birdie all day, it's firm but you could control your golf ball, for sure. Today I controlled my ball very well. The confidence is definitely there. I feel really good about where I'm at and going into tomorrow.

I always knew I wanted to play golf and go to college. I try hard to be a positive role model, especially on the golf course. I try to carry myself well, and don't do anything outrageous. I try to play the game like a gentleman and give everyone respect. That's how the game should be played.

Obviously it's one of my biggest wins, and especially after a long layoff, to come back out and win in my fifth start means a lot. I've been working hard on my game and been working hard on me, and so it means a great deal to have some success right out of the gate. It gives me a lot of confidence, too.

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