Caring is tough.

We fought hard for green taxes and won.

Britain's energy markets were a mess in 2010.

I am not going to give up on renewable energy.

Liberal Democrats cherish freedom of movement.

My grandfather was like a father figure to me.

On climate change, Britain is leading in Europe.

Britain must be the champion of international law.

Well, there's always risk in long-term investment.

Witnessing injustice, in person, leaves an indelible mark.

Liberal Democrats will not rest until we have stopped Brexit.

The very idea that human beings are held in bondage is sickening.

The Tories wanted to get rid of fuel poverty targets. I stopped them.

Carers' are all sorts of people. With so many different caring roles.

Home-produced energy enhances our energy security and boosts the economy.

Climate change is a complex challenge, and one that will not be easily solved.

We should be working with our European allies, not turning them into opponents.

Diplomacy is essential if we are to find peaceful resolutions in times of tension.

Abuse of human rights and international law demand resolution - whoever is responsible.

We should be redoubling our own efforts to combat climate change, not watering them down.

Our party's greatest achievements have always been delivered from the radical centre-left.

The Liberal Democrats are proud pro-Europeans, and internationalists - and always will be.

Climate change is hugely threatening to our way of life, in the U.K., Europe and the world.

Slavery is perhaps the greatest affront to the fundamental principle of individual liberty.

We want to encourage foreign students to come to our universities - to study, research and teach.

The truth is that E.U. citizens contribute far more to our economy and public services than they use.

I am one of those from the green movement who recognises the low carbon benefits of nuclear generation.

Climate change is putting pressures on the resources we need to survive: water; agricultural land; food.

Nuclear represents a significant low-carbon opportunity. The electricity it produces is green and reliable.

Even before the Windrush scandal, it was clear Britain's immigration system was in desperate need of reform.

We are strong supporters of energy efficiency. The question is: what is the most appropriate way of doing it?

Climate change remains the biggest threat to our civilisation, economy and security - even bigger than Brexit.

Brits, Indians, Frenchmen and Belgians fought side by side in the trenches of the Somme and on the fields of Ypres.

There is nothing triumphant or boastful in the way we mourn the dead and pay our veterans the respect they deserve.

We won't rescue humanity from self-destruction without a dramatic change in how we invest for our future energy needs.

Any genuine progressive should work together to stop Brexit - this is a national emergency, requiring national cooperation.

Putting Michael Gove in charge of the Department of the Environment is much like putting a wolf in charge of the chicken coop.

People need to understand what a party is about. And you can't define a party by an issue which will go, which is transitional.

Energy is one of those things that brings Europe together in terms of our security needs, affordable energy and climate change.

British civil society has a fantastic record of campaigning to push politicians of all colours and countries to step up on climate.

Jeremy Corbyn's policy on Brexit has failed to unite his own Labour MPs and has been rightly castigated for lacking any clear course.

I'm determined to use all of my powers to make sure that Britain leads the way in sourcing the energy we need from low carbon sources.

We are a million miles from the Tories. While we promote international co-operation and human rights abroad, they pull up the drawbridge.

Just as Donald Trump is abrogating America's responsibility to lead the fight against climate change, Theresa May is evading Britain's role.

Climate change threatens the wellbeing of every person around the world and can only be addressed through a global response to reduce emissions.

Not having a roof over your head at night must be frightening, cold, lonely and depressing. To be seriously ill as well must be beyond upsetting.

My job as energy and climate change secretary is to both power the country and protect the planet. Nuclear power delivers on both of these objectives.

Tackling climate change is not a luxury for the good times: for good and bad times it has become a necessity - but necessity is the mother of invention.

I can't stand by, the Liberal Democrats will not stand by, to see disabled people lose their rights, lose the care they need, when they need it the most.

Solar power - the costs have dramatically fallen, far faster than anyone has speculated. It's probably one of the greatest steps forward in human history.

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