It's been a teenage fantasy of mine to play Bodhi.

When you give someone your hand, it needs to be clean.

If you get conquered by ego, then you are losing the fight.

I think that every male actor fantasizes with a boxing film.

I'm not an aggressive person at all. But I know how to fight.

I think men and women's burdens and destinies are intertwined.

I think, for any actor, dealing with the paranormal is intriguing.

My father was a military attache, so I've been traveling all my life.

I majored in political communications, so I intended to be a diplomat.

In order to understand the mindset of a boxer, I needed to become a boxer myself.

I come from Venezuela, from the independent film arena, and you work with one camera.

I have a deep fascination with human nature, with all its virtues and all its defects.

I always try to look for the hidden face of the character, the hidden face that we all have.

I am a very active audience member. I want to be moved. I want to be confronted. I want to feel.

There's never a dull moment on a David O. Russell set. But that's the beauty of it. That's the magic.

Boxing, in the most general terms, is a poor man's sport. All you have is your hands to make a living.

Being enlightened is just being aware. It's just being aware of something that you weren't aware before.

I thought I knew how to work out before I immersed myself into boxing. I now know what an extreme workout really is.

I'm very physical. I love to work out; I'm very athletic. It's a great therapy, not only for my body, but for my mind.

Everything goes in waves. Evolution goes in waves. The ocean goes in waves. Energy goes in waves. Sound travels in waves.

I had to understand the whole bounty hunting thing, because we don't have that in Venezuela. Nothing similar at all, at least not legal.

For me what was very important was to try to capture the essence that might have existed behind the myth, the human essence of the character.

To portray not only a boxer but a boxer like Roberto Duran, I needed to understand all the difficulties and the pressures of the sport itself.

In boxing, there are no bad guys or good guys. Just people trying to make a living and trying to live up to their pride and to try to become someone.

I'm restless. I'm all the time here and there and trying to get myself busy and creative. It's something that's part of my personality since I was a kid.

We all have very personal relationships to what happened on 9/11 and the events after tracking Osama bin Laden. Nobody can escape from the influence of that.

War is a tragedy. It's not pretty, and in my opinion, there are no winners. Everybody's a victim, from the one who's suffering pain to the person inflicting it.

I think that, in the end, the military behavior and intelligence services are not very different from each other. It's an attitude of hunters; they're observing the prey.

Carlos, on paper, and Carlos, the guy who was in jail, is known to be a cultivated guy, the guy who handles big amounts of information, and for me, that was very important.

What drew me to the character is that Roberto Duran is the son of an American soldier - a Marine - stationed in Panama and a humble Panamanian mother, and he was abandoned.

For me, no ideological or political conviction would justify the sacrifice of a human life. For me, the value of life is absolute, with no concessions. It's not negotiable.

I've never lived in an English-speaking country, ever, but I lived in Austria. So, my second language is German. And when I went to school, I had a lot of classes in English.

I remember I would always joke among my friends about a remake of 'Point Break'. I would say, 'You know what? Whenever there's a remake of 'Point Break', I'm going to do it.'

I think there's no creative process that goes without injuries and scratches and punches. You get beat up somehow, and that's part of the commitment. You have to be open to that.

Who said that being Latino is to be a stereotype? Characters are stereotypes when making plans or without shades. I do not believe in the picture or model established in the movies.

Bolivar's legacy has always been a part of the Venezuelan/Latin American imagery, especially in the countries that he liberated or he helped to liberate. He's been a very prominent figure.

The tale of 'Point Break' is about doing what you love and committing to what you love. It's relevant to me as a Venezuelan, to you as an American, to any Chinese person watching the film.

You get to a new school, and you're the new guy, or you're the foreigner, or you're the guy with the funny accent. That first day at school was a whole new opportunity to create a new persona.

There's no way to reconstruct reality. It happened once. What you do is reinterpret and recreate. Even if you have the person who lived it and did it next to you, the event happened just once.

I remember when I first met Katherine Bigelow for 'Zero Dark Thirty' - actually, we met for another movie, and that never got made, and then she called me and invited me to 'Zero Dark Thirty'.

One of the pillars of 'Cyrano' is recreating a love story and, like any archetype, these great stories tend to be captivating, among other things, because they are made of those universal things that move us.

Men are taught that if we are not the ultimate provider, we are a complete failure. We have to be number one in everything we do. There is nothing more delusional or paralysing than what I have just described.

Boxing is all about how cool and controlled and clear your mind is. Violence only gets in the way of you winning a fight. It's a sport that's more about the strategy than anything. You lose or you win in your head.

We are all seduced by charismatic people, whether it's in your office or in the bus or in the train. There are people who just, like, come through the door, and everybody turns around and looks at them and feels drawn to them.

Carlos was a character, a character fabricated by Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, fabricated by the secret services of the epoch, fabricated by the governments of the epoch, by the radical groups of the epoch, by the communications media.

Boxing combines, in perfect proportion, strength, speed, and endurance. Normally, most sports are either about one of the three: either about speed or endurance or strength. Boxing combines all three of them. It's really intense.

I believe in the will. I believe in discipline. I believe in the organization. I believe in the rigor that gives us work. I believe in love as an engine of all things. I believe in the light. I believe in God. I believe in kindness.

My father was military, so I traveled a lot, so I had 13 to 15 first days in new schools. Bullies transcend culture, unfortunately, and I had to deal with them wherever I went. I knew how to defend myself. But I didn't know how to fight.

I belonged to the 'Point Break' generation - I watched the original when I was 13 years old. It's basically the story of the rescue of the human spirit, and we continue to fight that same spiritual battle, but with a political expression.

Panamanian boxing is unique - it's very musical. It's almost like a dance. It has a lot to do with being in the Caribbean and with salsa. When you see a Panamanian boxer, there's a style. There's a playfulness in the way you throw the punches.

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