Israel cannot afford to be duped.

ISIS has never fought a real battle.

We want peace, but not at any price.

I fought against Palestinians. I saw them.

I don't hate people. I just accept missions.

History never repeats itself in the same way.

I don't feel opportunistic ever, in anything.

I tend not to believe radical Muslim movements.

Israel's secret services are allowed to profile.

I know that I am absolutely reliable. Absolutely.

I am the Israeli leader who met most with Arafat.

Benjamin Netanyahu seems to avoid any initiative.

I will not discuss future hypothetical situations.

I want to study, to write to live and have a good time.

The Middle East is a region where predictions go to die.

The Islamization process in Arab countries is very disturbing.

Until the wolf shall lay with lamb, we'd better be the wolves.

Either we destroy world terror or world terror will destroy us.

I think first of all that Iran is a problem for the whole world.

Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability.

I'm not afraid of elections. I've won every election I've fought in.

I know Fiat plans to start manufacturing cars in Iran. This is wrong.

It's the role of a government to defend its soldiers and its citizens.

I don't do anything to impress anyone, quite successfully I can tell you.

When an army doesn't want to fight, you don't need much experience to win.

Sometimes you have to subordinate strategic considerations to tactical needs.

They say in the Middle East a pessimist is simply an optimist with experience.

International legitimacy is a fundamental source of power for Israel nowadays.

A strong, responsible Israel can become a stabilizer in such a turbulent region.

The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more.

There is no entity in the world that will dare attack Israel with chemical weapons.

I'm such a failed politician that all of my rivals have disappeared, on both sides.

Iran sees India, China, Pakistan and, allegedly, Israel around them with nuclear weapons.

An independent, strong, thriving and peaceful State of Israel is the vengeance of the dead.

Israel always has a special filter to look at things, and that is the attitude toward Jews.

Israel is the strongest nation in the Middle East, but we have to apply our strength wisely.

I am confident the Obama administration will work professionally with any Israeli government.

Leadership can change its mind; leadership can open its eye. Leadership can even be replaced.

There is a need to accept a limited disruption of civil liberties in order to penetrate terror.

With the globalization, it's difficult for governments to impose decisions on private companies.

If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I'd eventually join one of the terrorist organizations.

We are living in an open world. There is a freedom of speech and, clearly, freedom of speculation.

One of the lessons learned in the Middle East is to never try to anticipate the other side's moves.

War is no picnic. Wars should be prevented, and if you can't prevent them, you have to put them off.

I'm in the government to make sure that if there's an opportunity to make peace, it won't be missed.

I do not believe the efforts of the international community to stop Iran's nuclear program will bear fruit.

In Israel, generally speaking, politics is much more familiar than any other place. We all know each other.

Hezbollah will support Assad to the end because his continuing hold on power is critical to its own survival.

I'm not a tycoon or anything like that. Does my property amount to several million dollars? Of course it does.

As prime minister, I was the Israeli leader who walked the greatest distance in his offers to the Palestinians.

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