I'm a big fan of Charlie Day.

I'm a disaster and I'm super messy.

I'm always looking for new projects.

I like to see the silver linings in things.

I'm lazy and I do procrastinate about laundry!

I try to play whole, recognizable human beings.

I've been in this industry since I was 12 years old.

Everyone knows the best time to do laundry is later.

I'd love to make a movie and star in it with all my friends.

I definitely wouldn't want an unhappy wife, that's for sure.

I have this PTSD from a birthday party where no one showed up.

I've been lucky to find character parts that are leads as well.

I'm not a singer or a dancer, my Broadway dreams are ridiculous.

I'm just really bad at selling anything I don't actually use or like.

In elementary school, I think all my report cards said, 'Emily plays well alone.'

If you're going to break out anywhere it would be nice to break out in your hometown.

I like being part of a film scene where the person at the top is a really good person.

I like to shoot on location 'cause I can just immerse myself in the world of the movie.

I'm a bit fashion bipolar. I either really go for it or people think I'm a homeless person.

I like a character, not a costume - the idea of putting on clothes and you become someone else.

In Canada, you do smaller movies that maybe nobody sees, but you get to do bigger, better parts.

A lot of the time you have older writers who think that every teenager says 'dude' all the time.

I never did commercials. Not that I didn't want to, but because I can't. I am just so bad at it.

You think of She-Hulk and muscles and stuff, but the person who's behind it is just such a cool character.

I once had those really short Angelina Jolie in 'Girl, Interrupted' bangs - and that was a mistake for me.

I've come to learn it's a luxury to be a sort of blue collar celebrity in Canada. It makes you more humble.

I only use one mascara and it's actually a drugstore one: the L'Oreal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes mascara.

I feel like I am very welcome at TIFF and I think it's because I'm Canadian and I've been there a bunch of times.

I sometimes fantasize about being an old lady, when you can say the truth that everyone else is thinking and no one is saying.

I can't say I'm a huge sports fan, so I usually watch the game for the commercials, and I go to Super Bowl parties for the snacks.

I realize how lucky I am to be able to go a couple months without a paycheck, but a lot of industry people go paycheck to paycheck.

If there was a time period I could be in, costume-wise, I'd like to be in something with corsets. Like the 1910s, that kind of thing.

I left home to start working pretty young so I missed a lot of Christmases and therefore didn't really take part in any holiday traditions.

I would love for a movie that I'm really proud of to launch my career but I wouldn't like it to be some teen kind of thing that I did for money.

I'm so terrible with holiday shopping. I want to get something truly incredible for everyone on my list. But, in the end I end up with nothing at all.

I've been an actor since I was 12 and my dream role is Sally Bowles in 'Cabaret.' What's crazy is that I'm not a great singer or dancer but I'll commit.

I wish I could relive those days when I was 8 and my mother bought all the gifts I gave to people. I loved watching people open them. It was a surprise for me and then.

I've been in the industry forever, since I was a kid. It's a very LGBTQ-plus friendly industry and all my friends are gay or gay-straight, or trans-nonbinary, everything.

Honestly, I think I have this narcolepsy thing with reading. I fall asleep when I'm reading. So, if I stay awake to read an entire script, I'm like, 'Wow, I need to do this.'

When you're working as an actor when you're younger, or even when you're older, it's carney life. You go from one show to the other and you make these quick makeshift families.

To get - or not to get - bangs is a question that women struggle with all their life. I consider this question to be amongst those like, 'What happens when we die? or 'Is there life on other planets?'

As a kid, I used to love going to the cabane a sucre in Montreal to go sugaring off with our school. Sleigh rides, hot maple syrup, pour that syrup on snow and you got yourself some taffy. Need I say more?

I think I may be the perfect audience search for Quibi, because I'm a very bite-size kind of person. I can't actually watch long things. The most I can watch is a little episode of 'Forensic Files,' and anything longer than that is too much.

I have a file - my character box - anything from magazines - a pose, a face - I go through these files and arrange a whole person out of them. Because I think what you wear, it says something. It's not necessarily you, but what you want to project.

I'm so bad at dancing that I've actually been in two movies where the director of the film saw me dancing and thought it was so funny that in one movie they had me do it as the mental dancing of a real simple person. The other one was, like, to-be-laughed-at dancing. That's how bad my dancing is.

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