I don't think we should be undermining our democracy.

I wear the chips that I have on my shoulder with pride.

White collar crime must be taken as seriously as any other crime.

Low pay is a serious problem, and its victims need a genuine solution.

I was 10 when the Equal Pay Act was passed. It was pretty inspiring stuff.

It is clear that too many bankers think that laws are for the little people.

There's a particularly nasty element when lots of men get together sometimes.

Food banks have become such a powerful symbol in part because they're inescapable.

My European constituents are among the most politically engaged people I represent.

The Tories have long since abdicated any pretension of principled global leadership.

When you've made a mistake, you have to admit you've made a mistake, and correct it.

Taxpayers' and 'people on benefits' are not two separate and distinct groups of people.

You can take the girl out of the estate, but you can't take the estate out of the girl.

The Alternative Vote is sectarian and self-serving and it will not improve people's lives.

Where there are breaches of human rights, you need to speak out about it, no matter where it is.

I've been in politics a long time and the only way you survive is by getting the hide of a rhino.

I certainly think sometimes when it comes to sexism, some Sky presenters need to look at themselves.

I was born into the Labour party. I was delivering leaflets by the age I could reach the letter box.

The Fraud Act 2006 makes it perfectly clear that Libor rigging is prosecutable as a criminal offence.

Prosperity need not come at the expense of this country's proudest traditions as a beacon of justice.

The destructive impact of employment tribunal fees, which were introduced in 2013, is by now well known.

A scam is a scam. A fraud is a fraud. Different rules don't apply in the City than they do for you and me.

Labour is fundamentally a Remain party but it is in our interests to negotiate as good a deal as possible.

We should waive fees for those taking equal pay claims; they are our whistleblowers and should be encouraged.

The financial elite do not need special laws for themselves. This is one nation and there is one criminal law.

Yeah, it is particularly upsetting to be called, whatever it was, sneery, or a snob, given the background I have.

This sounds ridiculous, but my political inspiration is not Marx or Engels or ­anything like that. It was my mum.

The U.K.'s reputation as a business destination will suffer if its authorities cannot be relied on to enforce the law.

We must apply the same standards to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt that we apply to Iran, Russia and Syria.

I don't think you negotiate with people by going around telling them that they're like Nazi guards or it's all about prosecco.

We need to put human rights, a belief in multilateralism and respect for international law back at the heart of foreign policy.

When one party is really unpopular, like the Conservatives in 1997, AV can really skew the result disproportionately against them.

As the MP for Islington South and Finsbury, I have the privilege of representing one of the most diverse constituencies in the U.K.

The Human Rights Act has not just given a voice to victims, but to the families who have to fight for the victim where the victim has died.

The social safety net was created by a united society in the aftermath of the Second World War. It came out of a British sense of fairness.

AV does not bring you greater proportionality - and there is a tendency for parties to gang up on one of the major ones to run an 'anyone but' campaign.

All the evidence shows that establishing the habit of voting as early as possible is a vital tool in making sure that it's maintained throughout people's lives.

You have to be very poor and desperate, or very rich, or lucky, to live in Islington. We don't have the people in the middle, the people who serve the community.

If you've just been sacked from work, with no money coming in and a baby to feed, clothe and keep warm, it's unlikely you'll have a thousand pounds or so to spare.

I went to this rubbish school. I asked the careers master what he thought that I was going to do with my life, and he said I could always visit criminals in prison.

Why the Tories are happy to subsidise home ownership for middle class graduates and affluent social tenants, but not for widows on low incomes, is simply beyond me.

When I was starting out as a barrister in the 1980s, Lord Denning was the most famous judge in the land, and the supposed role model for every lawyer. But not for me.

Mum was on benefits for a few years. Then I failed the 11-plus and I went to the secondary modern. And that was hard because the expectations were so low in the school.

We need to build on our diplomatic networks, and the unrivalled expertise of our Foreign Office, to project a positive image for Britain as a force for good in the world.

We need a foreign policy which responds to challenges like forced marriage, and which speaks to the particular needs of women and girls at risk of being sold into slavery.

As I'm sure everyone would agree, carers who do the difficult job of looking after the elderly and vulnerable deserve to be paid a decent wage that they can actually live on.

When I first started campaigning to become an MP in 2004, we were suffering as a party because our hierarchy and leadership were totally detached from the party's membership.

It's unfortunate that the U.K. and Europe don't have the kind of culture which esteems legal protections enforced by the courts in the same way as, for example, the U.S. does.

It is up to Labour to keep alive the belief that government should be for the whole nation and that no section of society should place itself beyond scrutiny and above the law.

The 'Welfare Reform and Work' Bill does nothing to address low wages, or underemployment, and I haven't even got started on how it undermines the provision of affordable housing.

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