I'm never bored.

I try to be honest.

I have great memories.

I didn't study; I live.

I apologize for nothing.

I don't care about the past.

Great businessmen are creators.

I live to feel myself in danger.

I always knew I had to work hard.

I don't know where my medals are.

I think life is a big game we play.

In England, your life is your life.

I have a car but it's not important.

Football lost its excitement for me.

I'm just enjoying my life at the moment.

The revolution is really easy to do nowadays.

I observe the world and the people surrounding me.

I found leaving Manchester United very, very hard.

I like to stay at home and make cinema in my head.

Even as a footballer, I was always being creative.

A home is crucial, the foundation of a stable family.

Children go where they find sincerity and authenticity.

My ancestors were fighters, something I have inherited.

When you arrive in England for football it's a paradise.

He who has regrets cannot look at himself in the mirror.

Manchester United is stronger than anybody in the world.

It is enjoyable to make things visible which are invisible.

I didn't want really to be involved in a normal soccer club.

Being on stage isn't so tough compared to the football pitch.

I think it's better to be involved in one or two movies a year.

I manage a team, for beach soccer. I'm the coach. Player, coach.

Being French, to me, is first and foremost being a revolutionary.

You can lose in cinema too if you don't put on a good performance.

We all have common frailties but we need to treasure friends more.

I think I have a sense of mischief and that I can laugh at myself.

I don't want to be in Terminator. I don't want to go to Hollywood.

We can be eaten by techniques and forget what we have inside of us.

When times are difficult, I tell myself, 'I'm just passing through.'

We knew that you don't get to be world champions without a struggle.

I don't think we can be entirely happy seeing such misery around us.

My father's parents were from Sardinia and my mother's from Barcelona.

You can feel very quickly as a prisoner of your past, of the memories.

In football you have an adversary; in cinema that adversary is yourself.

If someone is too perfect they won't look good. Imperfection is important.

I'm lucky to have the privilege of being able to choose what I want to do.

The French have only negative things to say about everything and everyone.

I try to find different ways of expressing myself. Without that I will die.

I know that I have a face, a look, people aren't used to seeing. A presence.

You need a particular talent only to want to please. I don't have this talent.

I have to wear clothes but I don't like to give an idea of what I am with clothes.

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