Subversion is what I do.

Don't want to turn into mini-me.

We destroy icons - that's what we do.

I never pay any attention to figures.

A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!

What's brown and sounds like a bell? DUNG!

I hate movies. They're so boring. So tedious.

I've got soggy thighs. It must be dinner time.

I didn't want to be big Mr. Ego walking around.

I believe in the separation of church and planet.

Know what I mean? Eh, eh, Nudge nudge, Say no more?

I try to not to be a celebrity as much as possible.

I don't like animation. I hate animation, actually.

I was thrilled to win a Tony in 2005 for 'Spamalot'.

I just believe in a huge universe of billions of miles.

You get interviewed when you're out promoting something.

Everybody has their own free choice to do what they want.

I think comedy's often the little and the large, isn't it?

I've always found bad films more enjoyable than good ones.

We've discovered that the less we do, the more money we make.

I got locked into a tradition [at Cambridge] of doing comedy.

I pay taxes in three countries, but can't vote in any of them.

Elvis saved my life when I was 13 or 14. He saved all our lives.

It's such fun to take a lot of people and create something silly.

Life has a very simple plot: first you're here and then you're not.

I liked doing live things, and with the Circus we had a live audience.

The dreadful thing about getting older is you cry at the drop of a hat.

People can tell the truth much more freely when they're apparently lying.

Pattycake, pattycake, baker's man; good morning, madam, I'm a psychiatrist

Filming a pirate film is always good fun, with ships and indecent clothing.

I'm not careful with my money at all these days. I buy people a lot of dinners!

The idea that we evolved with these thoughts is actually very fascinating - to me.

My wife, Tania, is very big on dogs, so I'm always paying out to animal charities.

I'm drawn to things that aren't particularly popular at the time. I don't know why.

A lot has been said about politics; some of it complimentary, but most of it accurate

If the studios paid the artists, how would they ever be able to afford the executives?

I'm not really a celebrity; I'm just vestigially left over from doing stuff from before.

Writers tend to suffer from back problems because they spend their time bent over a desk.

Reading Alan Zweibel makes me laugh out loud. And yet it is not a particularly funny name.

I don't invest in the stock market, but I have pension funds - some in America and the UK.

No day of my life passes without someone saying the words 'Monty Python' to me. It's not bad.

There's animals like us existing and thinking and giving interviews on Australian television.

I get to be the first doctor in the family [because of the honorary degree they're giving me].

Never do things for money. It's always the things you do for love that turn out to pay the best.

People who are interested in money are really uninteresting people. They look like Donald Trump.

Life is a comedy when watching and a tragedy when experiencing. I try and share anything I have.

I used to have a house in London, but couldn't face 20 more years of St John's Wood in the rain.

You could write a joke in the pub at lunchtime and watch it performed on television that evening.

The Minister of Transport issued this appeal to motorists: Can anyone give him a lift to Leicester?

I love my family, my wife, my kids, my dogs, my home, my life. I am a very happy and contented man.

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