I am a classy dame.

I love getting older!

Diets are a fool's errand.

I've had to find my sanity.

My valentine is always my dad.

I think I'm not always what I seem.

My son is wonderful. He is amazing.

I actually find flying therapeutic.

What I wanted originally was six kids.

Money is the longest route to happiness.

I don't want to shield kids from reality.

I always wear something slightly masculine.

Every woman is after a kind of classy image.

I just like short hair on women; I think its cool.

I just like short hair on women; I think it's cool.

I love the creative end of acting. But I hate fame.

It's a surprisingly sacrificial job being an actor.

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being an elf.

I love being outside - that's where I'm the happiest.

I'm a pretty skeptical person, and I'm a realistic person.

I think of the 'Hobbit' films as being films for the family.

Life is all about embracing each moment that is given to you.

Life is magically beautiful. And it brings you what is perfect.

I had my baby outside in a thunderstorm. It was really romantic.

People initially think I'm a snob because I'm intensely private.

Outside of acting, the person that I admire the most is my mother.

A month and a half after my first audition, I won the role on Lost.

I really believe that a woman doesn't reach her peak until her 40s.

I'm allergic to Hawaii. Everything there makes me react in some way.

I hated being a flight attendant. I did it for a month and then quit.

When I act, I come away drained. When I write, I come away energized.

A month and a half after my first audition, I won the role on 'Lost.'

I'm a bit delusional, but every time I do a job, I think I'm retired.

A creative project is a moving target. You never end up where you start.

I am so glad that I get to maintain a relatively down-to-earth lifestyle.

I have two roommates, so it's a challenge to keep the house the way I like.

It's not your circumstances that make or break your day. It's your attitude!

I used to watch actors and say, 'You poor suckers, that job looks miserable.'

If your home is peaceful, then you're going to go out in your day peacefully.

I consider acting a day job - it's not my dream; it's not my be-all, end-all.

I do feel like I'm at ease in my own skin when I find an androgynous balance.

Believe me, there is nothing more rewarding than making Peter Jackson chuckle.

In my world, I don't believe in forever promises. I don't think it's realistic.

There is a little bit of evil in all of us, and it's very easy to draw that out.

The world is full of opportunities, and I want to try as many as I possibly can.

I know I can never work in a comedy because I can't keep a goddamn straight face.

I cried myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because men leered and disrespected me.

Your mind and soul are the kings of your physique way more than any exercise you do.

One of the great pleasures of working in Middle Earth is you get to be another being.

Peter Jackson has just really earned the right to be Tolkien's torchbearer on screen.

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