I'm a people person.

California's a mess.

True love is forever.

Kim Kardashian is trash.

I don't see myself as a hunk of meat.

People tend to complicate things in life.

Lamborghini outperforms Ferrari, every time.

Life is so fragile; you have to treasure it.

This world is always fed up with politicians.

Miracles exist - you just have to believe it.

The highest-quality protein in nature is whey.

Your body should be treated like a Lamborghini.

There are few things I've never done in my life.

I try to limit myself to one hour of sun each day.

You don't become a real man until you're 35 or 40.

The United States is the greatest country on Earth.

Everybody comes here because of the American Dream.

I believe, in life, you always get a second chance.

When you believe in something, it's easy to promote.

When I was twelve, I fell in love with Candice Bergen.

I want to bring more lawv and romance into the society.

I love sports. I love motorcycles. Just like most guys.

I'm a deep person. I'm not a superficial person at all.

Life is short, and you have to have fun with it, you know?

As a kid, I was never into sweets, and I never really drank.

I was like, 'I would like to see everybody dress beautifully.'

To me, the future of TV and movies is going to be 3-D animation.

Since I lost my sister, I decided to enjoy my life, no matter what.

The way I see life, there is only one God, and all the rest are human.

Some women, they expect me to be complicated. Instead, I'm very simple.

There's not enough money in this world to make me do something degrading.

To me, the biggest attraction is a woman's charisma, her soul, her inner strength.

Money, power, is beautiful if you take just as fun. OK? If you don't get attached.

I grew up in Milan during the golden age of designers. There was fashion all around.

I want to be two thousand percent sure before I get married. It should last forever.

You can't take yourself too seriously. You have to be secure and make fun of yourself.

That's a great way to work out when on the road, and it's fun. I love to lift women up.

If you are good to people, good will come back to you. The universe is run by this law.

When you feel good about yourself, it doesn't matter what you're wearing. You are at home.

One time, I took a woman on a deserted island, and we lived like Mother Nature for 10 days.

Always invest your money in the best food out there, and it's going to pay off in the long run.

I don't take myself seriously, because there is so much more to life than just being good looking.

Donald Trump speaks his mind. If you like it or you don't like it, at least you know where he stands.

As people, we have to take the law's side. We have to stand behind the police, not behind the criminal.

I speak four languages and read a great deal, so I do as much working out on the brain as I do on the body.

It's all about the whey protein and multi-mineral complexes I consume - it's good for my hair, and it's good for my skin.

When you're happy with yourself, you have to find another person who is happy with herself so you can share your happiness.

When you know you're vulnerable, and you know... your strength and your weakness, you can see life with better perspective.

The kind of roles that Harrison Ford plays are what really interest me, like 'Indiana Jones' and 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.'

Woman is very much more in contact with their feeling than a man. As a matter of fact, woman always teach to men how to love.

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