I'm not a huge jewelry fan.

I guess I'm a bit of a romantic.

I love not having to rely on anyone.

I cannot stand beer. But I love wine.

I don't like when I look too cluttered.

I think human nature is eternal and constant.

I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible.

I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick.

I always had a very strong sense of independence.

Sometimes there are changes that need to be made.

I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick.'

I couldn't do what I do without my friends and family.

I learnt circus skills in drama group, so I can juggle.

I'm small. I'm petite. But I'm a bit of a fighter inside.

I'm more of a freestyle dancer. I like to do my own thing.

I've never taken a role where I don't like a person on the page.

I think there is an enormous appetite for great roles for women.

Women want to be paid on parity with a man in a similar position.

I think the writing skills of actors are sometimes underestimated.

I love spending time researching a character and reading about them.

I'm attracted to playing people who aren't necessarily straightforward.

I was thinking 'Love Story', obviously, was a romantic film of that time.

I would work as hard as possible at school so I could keep acting alongside.

I'm happiest when I'm discussing a script and working with interesting people.

In my work I fight for, I hope, showing women in a true way. They've got brains.

I have such an eclectic taste. I like listening to classical music and pop music.

I don't actually think there has ever been too much emphasis on what I am wearing.

I've been very lucky. Directors I've worked with have been very amenable to changes.

I'm a real geek. I love spending time researching a character and reading about them.

I'm a horrible perfectionist and very highly strung. That's why I do yoga: to unwind.

Going to auditions is always so nerve-wracking. I don't think they ever get any easier.

I hardly ever watch the news... I love reading newspapers, but I know they're dying out.

I always love listening to Bob Dylan. 'Blood on the Tracks' is one of my favorite albums.

I think actors always find the dialogue doesn't quite fit, so you always have to play with it.

I like to keep pushing myself and trying things out. I get easily bored, so I need a challenge.

There's such a sense of theatre in getting glammed up; it's like putting on a play or short film.

I think, as an actor, you're always traveling. There's a sense of dislocation sometimes from home.

The more you work, the more people can see that you're something different from what's come before.

I'm very independent, creatively, always trying to push myself - and I think that comes from my mother.

Without sounding too pretentious, I feel my job is almost like becoming a monk or a nun - it's a calling.

It's nice to have some continuity you can come back to. I feel that in coming home, coming back to London.

We live in a time where it's more surprising if people are actually together than if they're having affairs.

The American vice would be sometimes speaking too loudly. You can always hear American people on the trains!

I want to be paid fairly for the work that I'm doing. That's what every single woman around the world wants.

My bag always weighs a ton. I carry my whole bathroom with me. You never know what's going to happen in a day!

I've never done a superhero movie. It's very nice to you as an actor in several worlds to go and to experiment.

It is disheartening when you read an interview with an actress, and it starts by describing what she is wearing.

Most of the time I was in the background. I never played [the Virgin] Mary. I was always kind of the third angel.

I've never taken a role where I don't like a person on the page. Sometimes there are changes that need to be made.

It was amazing how much rehearsal helped with the performance - it was almost a theatrical approach to filmmaking.

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